


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 6日前 -Employment status refers to the legal relationship between an employee and an employer. It determines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, ...

    6日前 -The Current Employment Statistics (CES) program produces detailed industry estimates of nonfarm employment, hours, and earnings of workers on payrolls. CES ...

    4日前 -Our interactive guide explains different types of employment status and work contract. You can use the guide to understand different sorts of working ...

    23時間前 -Is gig work compatible with employment status? Study finds reclassification benefits both workers and platforms. by Tanner Stening , Northeastern University.

    1日前 -Is gig work compatible with employment status? Study finds reclassification benefits both workers and platforms. People in this story. H.C. ...

    6日前 -The status of employment is akin to a barometer, offering real-time insights into the vitality of the job industry and serving as a compass for various ...

    4日前 -The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.

    Employment Situation-Employment Projections-Employment Research-A-Z Index

    6日前 -However, the interrelationships among identity, life satisfaction, and employment status in late emerging adulthood are unclear. Using a two-wave longitudinal ...

    4日前 -The UK operates a three-tier model, with most individuals being classed as employees, workers or self-employed independent contractors. What the…

    1日前 -Strengthening America's workforce. Sharing stories, news and info on U.S. workers, jobs, employment, safety and regulations.

    Equal Employment Opportunity-Full-Time Employment-Contact-Forms

    A.一つ前の文から意訳してみると理解しやすいです。 The study considered many factors that cause mental health problems. Thes...

    A.法学部なら司法試験合格、 経済・商なら公認会計士合格だと思います。 社会は教員でしょうか(官公庁に含まれるかどうかはわかりません)。

    A.データベースは、人口統計学の変数(例えば年齢、性、婚姻の状態と仕事ステータス)を含みました; 医学的なfacto 東海岸癌臨床試験グループ(ECOG)基準、ガン診断の発表、脳転移、入院患者のまた...