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  • NTTドコモ


    2024/2/22 -NTTドコモのオフィシャルウェブサイトです。ドコモのスマートフォンをお持ちでない方でも、ご利用になれる各種サービス、5G、Xi、FOMAなどの携帯電話情報、 ...

    2024/2/26 -DOCOMO will use AWS to deploy Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Anywhere (Amazon EKS Anywhere), a container management software, at its 5G Open RAN to simplify ...

    2023/12/7 -DOCOMO, which plans to develop a HAPS-based mobile communications business spanning air, sea and space for 5G evolution and 6G, will mainly develop ground base ...

    2024/2/26 -NTT DOCOMO, INC. and NEC Corporation announced today that they plan to establish a joint venture company, OREX SAI, INC. on April 1 to provide OREX Packages ...

    2024/3/14 -"docomo Open House" aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to experience the new value that NTT DOCOMO's advanced technologies can provide to society ...

    2024/2/26 -Through a venture dubbed OREX, NTT Docomo has pitched itself as systems integrator to the world's telcos, bringing with it a whole menu of open RAN cocktails.

    2024/3/13 -As far as we're aware, this is the first major telecoms firm to launch a consumer-targeted Web3 wallet. NTT Docomo has a mobile subscription market share of ...


    株式会社NTTドコモ(NTT DOCOMO, INC.)は、携帯電話などの無線通信サービス(移動体通信事業者〈MNO〉)および長距離、国際通信を提供...-Wikipedia

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