
  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • submit ~ to someone in confidence ... 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the WEB Pro」でご利用ください。 20,000件まで登録できます。

    submit verb (GIVE POWER) ... to give power or authority over a person or group to someone, or to accept something unwillingly:.

    1. to present or refer to others for decision, consideration, etc. 2. to yield to the action ...

    2011/1/12 -【動詞】 · 1. 受け入れる、または受ける、しばしば嫌々に(accept or undergo, often unwillingly) · 2. · 3. · 4. · 5. 判断または考慮について参照する( ...

    2 [intransitive, transitive] formalOBEY to agree to obey someone or something or to go through a process, especially when you have no choice 類義語 give in ...

    Please check the submission guidelines for the relevant journal and article type. What should be cited? Only articles, clinical trial registration records and ...

    SUBMIT - 定義, SUBMIT の発音音声とその他: 1. to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others 2. to suggest 3. to allow another…

    I used the submit to a form API documentation and was able to post from an external site to a HubSpot form. I'm not seeing any documentation on how.

    動詞 · 任せる 付する. refer for judgment or consideration. · 述べる 申し立てる. put before. · 提出する. hand over formally. · 任せる · 屈する 服する · 受ける.

    - Only submitted fields are take into account, the hidden fields (with preselected values) of the form are NOT processed and stored for that contact. You ...