

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/1/26 -"Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Reto Bieri and Polina Leschenko take us on a journey into their memories in search of dirty sounds and grinding rhythms … This ...

    2024/5/2 -TAKE3 (テイクスリー) クレンジングボディウォッシュ [ 保湿しながらしっかり洗う メンズ ボディーソープ ] 400mL · 320mL. ¥990¥990. (¥3¥3 / ミリリットル). ¥1,200 ...

    2024/4/13 -With a flair for the wild and unexpected, the genre-defying trio, TAKE3, brings the refinement of a rigorous classical music background and infuses it with ...

    2024/3/12 -With a flair for the wild and unexpected, the genre-defying trio, TAKE3, brings the refinement of a rigorous classical music background and infuses it with rock ...

    Take3 | Pablo Center

    1. https://www.pablocenter.org
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    3. take3-492885
    1. https://www.pablocenter.org
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    3. take3-492885

    3日前 -TAKE3's interactive lighting shows, comedic stories of their journey from scales in conservatory practice rooms to pop music in packed stadiums, come together ...

    2024/4/7 -TAKE3 lives at the intersection where pop, rock and classical fusion collide. Described by audience goers as a mini Trans-Siberian Orchestra experience, ...

    2024/1/26 -【オトコの新美容】保湿・頭皮ケア成分を配合した男性用スカルプシャンプーです。寝ぐせ・クセ毛・うねりをケアします。 【こだわりの成分】六種類の頭皮ケア成分と、 ...

    2024/3/22 -A celebrated trio of classical musicians who have gone rogue, Take3 blends virtuosic chamber music with a contemporary aesthetic and melodic vocabulary.

    Take3 - Where Rock Meets Bach Imagine Dragons + Carmen mashup = This genre defying trio will be here Thursday, March 14! Born out of the practice rooms.

    Facebook-Boyle County Performing Arts Center

    2024/3/23 -TAKE3! grabbed that light with a bold, aggressive tone and a body language that speaks loud and clear to audiences raised on rock videos.” — LA Times.