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    Thank you for visiting my Ravelry Page. I'm Maysa Tomikawa, a knitwear designer living in Tokyo. I like to design garments that are simple yet unique.

    フィギュアスケート男子で、2022、23年世界選手権王者の宇野昌磨(26)が9日、自身のインスタグラムを更新し、現役引退を発表した。引退記者会見は14日午後2時。会見はトヨタイムズでLIVE配信される。 名古屋市生ま...


    「本当に急に聞きまして、こちらのほうがしどろもどろになって申し訳ないんですけど……」 昨年1月、トヨタ自動車は豊田章男氏が社長を退任し、会長に就任すると発表。会見で動揺を見せたのが、中部地方のブロック...


    Hokkaido's finest ATV @sota_tomikawa on a killin' streak thru the streets of Cruz in this #CreatureFiendFridaze #CreatureSkateboards @dafnoah.

    Tomikawa Ginsetsu 富川吟雪 ; Other dates: 1760-1777 (active) ; Biography: Print artist. Student of Nishimura Shigenaga (q.v.). Also studied style of Torii school.

    Tomikawa Ueekata Seikei also known by his Chinese style name Mō Hōrai (毛 鳳来), was a politician and bureaucrat of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Tomikawa Seikei.

    Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/CreatureFiends Sota Tomikawa is a full-on ninja on a skateboard! In part 2 of this Creature Double ...

    YouTube-Creature Skateboards

    Knit Your Dream Life A knitwear designer obsessed with garter stitches and handspun yarn. Love simply structured clothing. Our handspun > @ptom_kydl.

    Sayo Tomikawa


    Contemporary Artist | Sayo Tomikawa 冨川紗代.

    Unique ramen in countryside Hokkaido made with ingredients from local farms. I'm into it! This is Furano ...

    Basic Information. Major Professional Backgrounds. 2007/04/01, 2009/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Assistant Professor ...

    Ōtsuki, 矢板市大槻998. Yaita, Tochigi-ken 329-1575. Japan. +81 287-48-1510 · Website. Sake Brewery Category: Sake Breweries. Profile. Profile; Photos; Map.