
  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • To realize how important it is to find a lifelong partner. To realize just how happy a normal life is. To really have no luck.

    NTT is conducting research and development to realize a machine that thinks and acts like a human in order to automate and support essential ...

    YouTube-NTT official channel

    2024/3/20 -It takes work to realize your dreams. 夢を現実にするには労力が必要だ。 (Translation of realize from the GLOBAL English ...

    to realizeを含む英語表現 · begin to realize that · come to realize · cooperate to realize a common goal · fail to realize one's great ambition · fail to realize ...

    機械による魔法が魔を駆逐し、人が勇者を必要としなくなった時代―― □作品紹介 そこは勇者と魔王が存在し、剣と魔法が支配するファンタジー世界。

    Translations in context of "to realize" in English-Japanese from Reverso Context: started to realize, i began to realize, starting to realize, important to ...

    This approach leverages the collective intelligence of small, highly specialized, and unique AIs to ... AI Constellation, the concept to realize ...

    YouTube-NTT official channel

    That's why this word means to realize or to notice . Don't confuse this with 気を付けて which is similar in that it has all the same kanji. It's just used a ...

    Hello, I try to realize this structure in order to shift an array, however I find the intern array "mantissa_trans" has multiple drivers. I can ...

    2023/11/30 -At Slalom, we help you discover, design, and build tailored solutions for your organization's challenges and goals. Often, the best answer ...