
Game of War Fire Age tile distance within a kingdom to find shortest path between a current tile and eight 8 other tiles.

When attacking a tile, none of the opponents traps will be taken into consideration, as they are still in the city. The hero boosts (attack, defense, etc.) will ...

大規模戦略バトルRPG! さあ今こそ立ち上がり、世界中のフレンドや仲間と共に英雄同盟を結成して. スリルと興奮に満ちたリアルタイムアクションバトルに今すぐ ...

We created a turn-based strategy game, where capturing territories and finding the optimal position to place your units, is the key to victory.

War Mahjong (Tiles of the Unexpected) is a mahjong-style tile-matching game with a war theme. Although it's not like typical mahjong games, your objective ...

Occupying a tile means sending an army to stay there. If it is a resource tile, the army will gather from it. If there is an army on the tile a battle will ...

2020/2/26 -A local two player game where players take turns moving armies to capture regions and to defeat the other. A game made in a week by kids at ...

2023/7/20 -This is an issue on all platforms and has been addressed right after 7.0 went online, together with the Uninspired tab not working on the ...

2013/9/6 -Hellas is a nice tile laying game with conflict. Only your turn, you can use ships to explore (placing new tiles), move units to other tiles ( ...

2015/7/7 -資源タイルはパワーの高い上級者ユーザーに全て刈り取られてしまいます。 また、ゴールドタイルも全て力のある者がキープすることになります。 こう ...

A.資源タイルは回収に時間がかかるので、すぐに撤退?ではなく自分が満足したら引き上げればいいかと。 野営は自城の横に敵が来ないようマスを埋めたりします。真横に飛ばれるとシールド張る時に間に合わない...
