


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • n this video I'll be streaming Dead Rising 2 with @ByrustheVirus but were also playing the game by doing the Ultimate Survivor Challenge.

    YouTube-Project Wesker

    Behold the sequel to the perfect speedrun category. Have you ever hated the survivors of Dead Rising 2? Have the bosses ever made you rage beyond belief?


    3日前 -IF you plan on going for the 7 day survivor. I suggest using the Megabuster. There is a pacifist walkthrough online that is great as the only real threats]] are ...

    2024/5/28 -... survivor or boss.You can replace standart Chuck model to 14 another models. 6.7GB; 6; 205. Chuck to survivors and bosses model swap · Miscellaneous. Uploaded: ...

    2024/5/30 -Bibi's Box is a karaoke bar in Dead Rising 3. It is located in northwestern Sunset Hills, across the street from Slappy's Ultimate Playhouse.

    6日前 -Download the mod Dead Rising 2 Pack for Left 4 Dead 2. Custom Maps and Mods for Games.

    1日前 -どうも、JACK(将軍)です。 今回は、「DeadRising2」やります。 ダクトテープ錬金術で、最高にバカ過ぎる武器でゾンビを薙ぎ倒すゲームだよ。 ストレス解消に良いかも ...

    5日前 -El Spanol Liquor is a liquor store in Dead Rising 3. There is a store location in each district of Los Perdidos. There is a lot of alcohol here that can be ...

    If you love gaming but don't have hours to spare, our quick and concise game summaries are perfect for you! In just 10 minutes or less, you'll get all the ...


    2024/5/23 -Download and play the latest 'Dead Rising 2' custom mods for Left 4 Dead 2. All by independent developers.

    A.サイコのトロフィは分からんが 50人救助は完全にうちもらしなく全員助けてたらサブケース 歌姫の4人を助けた時点で解除できる でもメイン進めないとギリギリ50人だから1人でもとりのがしたり殺してしまっ

    A.1 8名 2 ご自由に。気になるなら戦闘に参加させないようにメンテナンスルームに閉じ込める等工夫すればよいでしょう。 参考までに自分のサバイバーはほぼ、銃器で統一させています。 3 誤射による離脱

    A.【着信なし】9/26 AM 8:00 場所 royal flush plaza R207 Kathy's Space 一人で行けばOK でっかいプレゼントを持たないと着いて来ないので注意 ...