


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/4/17 -I've said it countless times: When the survivors in this game are more brain dead than the enemies which are ACTUALLY BRAIN DEAD, that should answer it all.

    n this video I'll be streaming Dead Rising 2 with @ByrustheVirus but were also playing the game by doing the Ultimate Survivor Challenge.

    YouTube-Project Wesker

    Behold the sequel to the perfect speedrun category. Have you ever hated the survivors of Dead Rising 2? Have the bosses ever made you rage beyond belief?


    2024/4/13 -Another survivor, Stacey Forsythe (leader of the Nevada branch of zombie rights organization "Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality", which was in town to ...

    2024/2/5 -A mutiny is when survivors leave the safety of the Security Room or Fortune City Emergency Shelter for a reason such as someone complaining about the lack ...

    ... deadrising #survivors #tierlist # ... The Dead Rising Survivor Tier List. 5 views · 10 ... New Chilla's Art - Shinkansen 0 || Dragon's Dogma 2 ENDGAME Later.

    YouTube-Jake Jakers

    2024/3/22 -攻撃範囲の広さが災いし、要救助者や生存者を引き連れていると巻き込んでしまう事が多い。 耐久力の低さをカバーする為にも予備の武器を用意しておこう。 簡単な作り方.

    Behold the perfect speedrun category. Have you ever hated the survivors of Dead Rising? Have the bosses ever made you rage beyond belief? Say no more!


    2024/3/25 -Dead Rising is a series of action-adventure games created by Keiji Inafune. It was originally developed by Capcom until Capcom Vancouver took over ...

    Dead Rising 2-Dead Rising 2: Off the Record-Dead Rising (video game)

    2024/5/2 -This map is a WORK IN PROGRESS! After the contest I will continue to work on the map to add Survivor Missions, Psychopath Battles, and the entire Dead Rising ...

    A.サイコのトロフィは分からんが 50人救助は完全にうちもらしなく全員助けてたらサブケース 歌姫の4人を助けた時点で解除できる でもメイン進めないとギリギリ50人だから1人でもとりのがしたり殺してしまっ

    A.1 8名 2 ご自由に。気になるなら戦闘に参加させないようにメンテナンスルームに閉じ込める等工夫すればよいでしょう。 参考までに自分のサバイバーはほぼ、銃器で統一させています。 3 誤射による離脱

    A.【着信なし】9/26 AM 8:00 場所 royal flush plaza R207 Kathy's Space 一人で行けばOK でっかいプレゼントを持たないと着いて来ないので注意 ...