
  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 15時間前 -The performance of the TDQN method is investigated against the Double Deep Q Network (DDQN) and Deep Q Network (DQN) approach and found to be more stable.

    19時間前 -DQN (Deep Q-Network) – A value-based agent that learns a Q-function to estimate the expected future rewards for each action in a given state. PPO (Proximal ...

    9時間前 -Wang et al. [26] proposed a DRL framework called Spatiotemporal Deep Q Network (STDQN), which can capture the temporal and spatial characteristics of CAVs. The ...

    7時間前 -To address this challenge, we present an innovative maximum entropy Deep Q-Network (ME-DQN), which leverages an attention mechanism. The framework solves ...

    8時間前 -One commonly used algorithm is the deep Q-network algorithm, which employs a neural network to estimate the optimal ... compute a reinforcement learning algorithm ...

    8時間前 -[23] applied Deep Q Network (DQN) to traffic signal control to solve the dimensionality problem in traffic congestion and proposed the Mutil-Agent DQN method.

    20時間前 -The slice broker should learn the revenue model in the presence of adversaries. We apply cooperative deep reinforcement learning with consensus mechanism and ...

    7時間前 -We employ a Deep Q-Network architecture with distributed prioritized replay buffer, enabling fully online agent training with accelerated experience ...

    13時間前 -学習には、DQN(Deep Q-Network )という強化学習にディープラーニングを適用した手法の祖ともいえるアルゴリズムを用いました。結果は、DQNを適用して訓練した ...

