


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
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    2024/1/17 -The device descriptor contains information about a USB device as a whole. This topic describes the USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure and includes information ...

    2024/2/1 -iSerialNumber. Index of string descriptor containing device serial number. uint8_t, bNumConfigurations. Number of possible configurations. Detailed Description.

    2024/3/6 -uint8_t iSerialNumber; // Index of String Descriptor with the device's serial number. uint8_t bNumConfigurations;// Number of possible configurations. USB ...

    2024/1/17 -USB interface association descriptor (IAD) allows the device to group interfaces that belong to a function. This article describes how a client driver can ...

    2024/4/20 -I'm learning C and how to use libusb to get the usbs connected to the machine. I wanted to filter the device list just for the usbs that are mass storage ...

    2024/2/1 -iManufacturer : libusb_device_descriptor; interface : libusb_config_descriptor; iProduct : libusb_device_descriptor; iSerialNumber : libusb_device_descriptor ...

    2024/2/27 -- Adds iSerial Number functionality for the USB protocol of the DS40 printer. Note: This iSerialNumber functionality allows the DNP printer to be uniquely ...

    2024/4/24 -iSerialNumber Really Helps. If your device exposes a unique iSerialNumber, that will really help with retaining name and other information across physical ...

    2024/3/24 -iSerialNumber, 1, 0x00, Index of string descriptor describing device serial number set to 0 if no string. 17, bNumConfigurations, 1, 0x01, Number of possible ...

    2024/4/27 -iManufacturer, iProduct, and iSerialNumber are indices to string descriptors. String descriptors give details about the manufacturer, product, and serial ...


    シリアル番号(シリアルばんごう、serial number)は、ある決まった個々の識別をするために割り当てられる、一連の一意で等差な整数である。通し番号(とおしばんごう、略して通番(つうばん))、連続番号(れんぞくばんごう)、略して連番(れんばん)という場合もある。 数値的識別子…-Wikipedia