

A new city is born in Haneda, Japan's gateway. This large-scale commercial and business complex lets visitors enjoy gourmet dining, Japanese cultural ...



  • 天気:曇り曇り 24℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
  • 住所:東京都大田区羽田空港1-1-4
  • 電話:03-5544-1248
  • 最寄り駅:天空橋駅[A1]徒歩3分
  • 営業時間:

羽田空港第3ターミナル駅のひと駅隣、京浜急行電鉄空港線・東京モノレールの天空橋駅に直結している“日本初のスマートエアポートシティ”「HANEDA INNOVATION CITY」(略称HICity)...




A.前者の京急EXインに泊まるなら近くにコンビニありますし、少し歩いて穴守稲荷駅の周辺まで行けばお店が多少あります。 電車に乗って天空橋駅→穴守稲荷駅→大鳥居駅となるので大鳥居駅で降りれば駅周辺にガ...

A.普通に1からあるいは10から順番に行けば良いようになってますよ。 車で羽田まで行くなら最初に上大岡まで一気に行って1から順番に押していくか10から順番に押していって上大岡から一気に戻って来るかの...

HANEDA INNOVATION CITY · PICK UP · NEWS · ABOUT · FACILITY · ACCESS · opendata · CONTACT. HICityに関するお問い合わせは、 「お問い合わせ」ボタンよりお申し出 ...


Completed in 2021, this complex includes research institutes, commercial stores, and hotels. It is directly connected to the Keikyu Line and Tokyo Monorail ...

2023/1/10 -Haneda Innovation City. Address, 1-1-4 Hanedakuko, Ota City, Tokyo. URL, Haneda Innovation City. For updated information on opening hours, days ...

FEATURE. ホテルの特徴 · 01Good access to Haneda Airport · 02Relax in the large public bath · 03Buffet breakfast service · 04Welcome coffee and full amenities.

2024/5/17 -The center opened in November and is easily accessible from the airport and Tenkubashi Station. Visitors will find restaurants, shops and ...

2023/11/16 -Haneda Innovation City, which sits on 5.9 hectares, focuses on mobility, robotics and health care, provides office space, and is also involved ...

Experience Japanese culture & cutting-edge technology here Haneda Innovation City is a massive, multifaceted complex directly connected ...

Facebook-Go Tokyo

Fee, Free. Location. Location: 1-1-4 Hanedakuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0041. Direct walk from Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Airport line or Tokyo Monorail ...

HICity is conveniently located in the redevelopment area of the former Haneda Airport site, directly connected to Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Line and ...