

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • Experience Japanese culture & cutting-edge technology here Haneda Innovation City is a massive, multifaceted complex directly connected to Tenkubashi...

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    • 天気:晴れ晴れ 25℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
    • 住所:東京都大田区羽田空港1-1-4
    • 電話:03-5544-1248
    • 最寄り駅:天空橋駅[A1]徒歩3分
    • 営業時間:

    羽田空港第3ターミナル駅のひと駅隣、京浜急行電鉄空港線・東京モノレールの天空橋駅に直結している“日本初のスマートエアポートシティ”「HANEDA INNOVATION CITY」(略称HICity)...




    2024/7/18 -近年、台湾をはじめアジア、南米エリアでも人気を博しているシティポップをフィーチャー。そのほか、会場の声や音をサンプリングし、即興パフォーマンスでオーディエンスを ...

    2024/5/17 -Innovation City is a multifunctional complex that offers lodging and entertainment with an aim to bring people and businesses together. The center opened in ...

    2024/3/27 -We operate a shuttle bus to Haneda Airport, suitable for early morning flights. Use is limited to staying guests only. (No reservation required, free)

    2024/9/1 -Located just a 2-minute walk from the HICity Exit of Tenkubashi Station, KEIKYU EX INN Haneda Innovation City offers an array of convenient transport facilities ...

    2024/3/28 -Our hotel is located in HANEDA INNOVATION CITY (Zone J). The signboard for KEIKYU EX INN that can be seen from the Tenkubashi exit is the nearby hotel.

    2024/6/13 -Free shuttle bus to Haneda Airport | One stop away from Terminal 3 | Grand bath available | Two-minute walk from the HiCity exit of Tenkubashi Station.

    2024/7/6 -Innovation City is a multifunctional complex that offers lodging and entertainment with an aim to bring people and businesses together. The hub's aim is to ...

    2024/4/9 -昨年に引き続き、HANEDA INNOVATION CITY に期間限定の新感覚リトリートラウンジ「koi lounge」がオープンします。足湯スカイデッキでは、美味しいドリンクを片手に羽田 ...

    2024/7/10 -Japanese construction company Kajima has secured permission to operate the Level 4 autonomous bus "ARMA" within the Haneda Innovation City (HICity) complex.