


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/4/25 -MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework. MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, ...

    Latest MAME Release-ROMs for Free Download-SDL Supported Platforms-Older

    2024/2/23 -XmameMAME(Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)的Linux/Unix/X11移植版本,MAME是一款模拟效果最好、支持roms最多的模拟器之一。

    MAME - Wikipedia

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org
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    3. MAME
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org
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    3. MAME

    2024/1/12 -MAME is a free and open-source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other ...

    2024/1/25 -The XMAME app will allow you to play some arcade titles that aren't compatible with FBA or FBN, like classic 80s arcade games. The app doesn't launch ROM files ...

    2023/5/27 -Download pfeMAME for free. Python front end for MAME that can run in Linux, Windows, and MacOS. pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator ...

    2024/3/27 -Neste site eu pretendo colocar tutoriais de como rodar os emuladores com o máximo de desempenho. Vou colocar apenas emuladores nativos pro pinguim, como o xmame ...

    2024/3/25 -MAME 0.78 DAT file for validation; Original MAME 0.78 source package. This is a complete collection of ROMs, CHDs, and audio samples for MAME 0.78. XML DAT file ...

    MAME - Wikipedia

    1. https://ja.wikipedia.org
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    1. https://ja.wikipedia.org
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    2024/4/18 -MAME(メイム)は、オープンソースの汎用エミュレーターである。かつてはアーケードゲームエミュレーターであったが、現在は汎用エミュレーターとなっている。

    2023/9/11 -MAME 2003-Plus is a fork of MAME 2003, which is a fork of Xmame 0.78 (an unix-like port with portability in mind) and this in turn is a fork of MAME 0.78.

    Arcade - Games

    1. https://www.linux-games.org
    2. browse
    1. https://www.linux-games.org
    2. browse

    2024/3/16 -GXMame is a frontend for XMame using the GTK library, the goal is to provide the same GUI than mame32. For the moment it will just have the same gui, the final ...