

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/1/7 -lastcomm - print out information about previously executed commands. SYNOPSIS¶. lastcomm: [ command-name ... ] [ user-name ... ] [ ...

    2024/4/28 -...ram passwd ログインに使うパスワードを指定します。 @param acct ログイン後に送る ACCT コマンドのパラメータを指定します。

    2024/3/25 -<commandFiltering> 要素は、FTP サービスが許可または拒否する FTP コマンドのコレクションを指定します。 <commandFiltering> 要素には、特定の FTP コマンドを許可 ...

    2024/5/20 -The accton command turns process accounting on or off. The sa command summarizes information about previously executed commmands. Installing psacct or acct ...

    2024/2/19 -I need to create a read only custom privilege level for an automated service acct that can execute the show run and show tech commands.

    2024/2/22 -Discover two favorite sysadmin commands, known as acct and psacct, that allow them to track the activity of users on the system.

    2024/1/29 -pidof crond. If you don't see an output from that command with the process ID number, restart crond via the following command: /scripts/restartsrv_crond

    2024/3/15 -An overview of active accounting modes and corresponding session IDs can be displayed with the show service active-subscribers hierarchy radius-acct command.

    2024/3/12 -To configure the RADIUS client with the parameters host, timeout, key, retransmit, use the command radius-server host in Global Configuration Mode ... acct-port ...

    2日前 -The command has two options: -a for a PAM action; -s for a PAM service. If you ... [root@client1 ~]# sssctl user-checks -a acct -s sshd example.user user ...