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    2024/2/26 -The Tales series is a franchise of fantasy role-playing video games published by Bandai Namco Entertainment (formerly Namco), and developed by its ...

    Tales of Arise-Tales of Phantasia-Tales of Berseria-Tales of Xillia

    2023/9/14 -The group land on Rena and discover it to be a vast pool of hollow silver, its land and life already stolen by the Great Astral Spirit. Traversing the entirety ...

    2024/2/21 -Tales of Arise is a 2021 action role-playing game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The seventeenth main entry in the Tales series, ...

    2023/6/30 -Tales of Maj'Eyal (aka ToME) is a free, open source, roguelike roleplaying fantasy game featuring tactical turn-based combat and advanced character building ...

    2024/5/4 -Star Wars: Tales is an animated Star Wars anthology series created by Dave Filoni. The first installment, Tales of the Jedi, explores different Jedi ...

    2023/8/9 -Welcome to the Official Tales and Tactics Wiki. The Official Tales and Tactics Wiki is written and maintained by the players.

    2024/3/11 -Contest Archive: An archive dedicated to the various contests the SCP Wiki has held over the years. Tale Calendar: Tales sorted by calendar dates. hub. page ...

    2023/6/12 -Tales of Yore is a multiplayer browser game made by Coke And Code based in the land of Yore. Tales of Yore takes place in the same world as the previous ...

    2024/4/22 -The Book of Lost Tales is the first narrative work of J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology, written and left unfinished between 1916 and 1920.

    2023/8/3 -Wiki: Master of Tales Colab ... the game was so big that there was only a demo and even the demo was too hard to play because it wasn't made for more than 1 ...

    A.カンタベリ物語は自称詩人(ただしこれが職業ではない)で読書家のチョーザー (1340頃~1400)という人の集めた伝奇説です。日本では今昔物語の編者が近いでしょうか。 彼が本当に巡礼をしたのかは...

    A.古英語の『ベオウルフ』では行末の 韻が主なので、あなたの友人の説に は疑義の余地が多分にあると思いま す。しかし、古英語では動詞が文末 に置かれますから、特に工夫しなく ても、時制が同じ定型動詞...