

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 4日前 -20:【シンボルオブスピリット】の[霊魂]消費を削除. Lv, ダメージ, 範囲, 命中率, Cri値, 消費, 習得条件, ディレイ. 攻撃力, Cri倍, 総攻撃力, MP, EMP, Lv, XP, 前, 中 ...

    2024/4/29 -Tale Wiki · TWBGM · https://talewiki.com/?TWBGM. [ トップ ] [ 編集 | 凍結 ... 霊魂の休息所. 0211.MP3, [ep3] 011 ~ call back old days, D.A.(black), 2:02, 記憶の ...

    2024/6/22 -Easily absorbs knowledge, superb swordsmanship skills, can summon the power of the gods. Age. At least 1500. Occupation. Leader of the Lunar Defense Corps.

    2024/7/14 -Celestial Spirit Magic (星 魔法 Seirei Mahō); Requip (換装 Kansō). The ... Lucy's description of a familiar fairy tale includes a silhouette of a boy ...

    2日前 -The following is a list of supernatural beings in Chinese folklore and fiction originating from traditional folk culture and contemporary literature.

    2024/5/4 -Link: 英雄図鑑 (31d) 水晶脈(光) (122d) 水晶脈(闇) (149d) Comments/咲子 (19924d). Owner: nattu. Powered by PukiWiki 1.5.2 © 2001-2019 PukiWiki Development ...

    6日前 -力を失い争いに敗れた女神は、 残った力で「星たち」を人間界へ逃がすことに成功して、 最後の力を使い果たした女神は まだ赤ん坊だった孤児に憑依した。 この孤児は女神 ...

    2024/7/8 -Touko Aozaki (蒼崎 橙子, Aozaki Tōko?) is the older sister of Aoko Aozaki. She is a principal character in Kara no Kyoukai, the main antagonist of Mahou ...

    Lugh Beowulf-Eiri Fumizuka-Cornelius Alba-Clock Tower 2015

    5日前 -Yōkai (妖怪, "strange apparition") are a class of supernatural entities and spirits in Japanese folklore. The word yōkai is composed of two kanji characters ...

    Mononoke-Yaoguai-List of legendary creatures...-Ayakashi (yōkai)

    4日前 -Chii is based on the folk tale Chii-chii bakama/Chii-chii kobakama ("The ... すなわち、他者の感情から生まれた的な存在であり、自身の強さだけでは なく ...