

With SATA product authentication, you can always be sure that the product you have obtained is an original in unique SATA top quality. Check the packaging and ...

The most basic command in dealing with SATA drives is the IDENTIFY command. It is used to read the current settings of the drive under test. Define a 12-byte ...

There are six main reasons why a system BIOS will not detect the presence of an internal hard drive. Here is a list of them. They are not in any particular ...


2022/6/20 -Use [select disk #] or [sel dis #] to open specific drive, then run [detail disk] or [det dis] to show details.

2022/9/1 -The IDENTIFY_DEVICE_DATA structure contains the data retrieved by an ATA identify device data command (0xEC).Note The ATA port driver and ...

2022/11/4 -I've narrowed the possibilities down to the IDENTIFY DEVICE command that SATA drives send after power on, since the response from this command ...

In this tutorial I show you how to know SATA cable version and cable speed, will SATA 1, SATA 2 or SATA 3 deliver 6 Gb/s?


2024/5/7 -This is a draft proposed American National Standard of Accredited Standards Committee INCITS. As such this is not a completed standard.

The IDENTIFY DEVICE command returns a 512‑byte data structure to the host ... The host issues the IDENTIFY DEVICE command only if the MMC block size is set to 512 ...

2018/4/20 -A CD/DVD drive has a pretty standard command set. The fact that it's not responding to an IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE request would most likely mean ...

A.CrystalDiskInfoも万能ではないので、対応できないHDDはあるもんです。 切り分けという意味では CrystalDiskMarkとか使ってHDD単体の速度測定してみたらどうかな ...

A.今のところ、特に問題無いようです。 一般的にHDDの平均寿命は、5~7年程度と言われています。