

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/5/1 -ということで、インストールから日本語化の設定までをざっくりと記載します。 isoイメージのダウンロード; USBメモリへ書き込み; USBブートする; 日本語化.

    2023/7/1 -Installing a Linux distribution on a virtual machine (VM from now on) on EasyOS is for sure less useful for working than installing MS Windows on it, ...

    2024/4/28 -Download UPup for free. Puppy Linux versions based on Ubuntu components. Woof-CE 32-bit pae builds of Puppy Linux using Ubuntu components starting with ...

    2023/9/20 -Puppy Linux is a neat little thing. The whole thing can run inside ram, which makes it a really good portable distro. It's great for some web browsing and it's ...

    2024/3/19 -Download Custom-Puppy-Linux-For-Scripts for free. A Custom Puppy Linux Live CD For Creating & Running Shell Scripts. This Live CD is created for the purpose ...

    2024/5/3 -GIMPは、Quickpet(パッケージマネージャ)にあるのに、クリックするとエラーでインストールできませんでした。 普通のパッケージマネージャで検索したら出てきた ...

    ... Linux: https://antixlinux.com/download/ 4:41 Puppy Linux: https://forum.puppylinux.com/puppy-linux-collection 5:04 Slax: https://www.slax.org/?lang=es///en ...


    2024/6/20 -Is it worth resurrecting this PC with Puppy Linux? My mother is on the market for a new PC to install in the living room as a machine to do some work and browse ...

    2024/1/28 -Hi guys. Got a laptop that I want to install puppy to. but I need help with only one thing. is there a way to remove this system monitor thing from the desktop?

    2024/6/20 -EasyOS forked from Quirky Linux in 2017 (and Quirky forked from Puppy in 2013), and is a major rethink, including core support for containers. Barry created ...