
  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/5/27 -BW64 is produced by dimkr's Woof-CE bookworm build scripts, providing a Puppy distro based on Debian 12 binaries. Consequently BW64 10 and Vanilla Dpup 10 share ...

    2024/4/28 -Download UPup for free. Puppy Linux versions based on Ubuntu components. Woof-CE 32-bit pae builds of Puppy Linux using Ubuntu components starting with ...

    2024/3/24 -Download devuanpup for free. devuanpup. puppy linux con paquete devuan chimaera. transición a gtk3 , Kernel 5.10.17, trae 2 escritorio a elegir .

    2024/3/11 -Discover how Terminator, a feature-rich Linux terminal emulator, can enhance your productivity with vertical and horizontal splitting, custom titles, ...

    2024/5/2 -... Puppy Linux is a distribution that belongs to a family of lightweight Linux distros. ... Linux Lite is a Linux distro based on Debian & Ubuntu ... emulator. The ...

    2023/10/5 -MX Linux xfce (This would be my Pick). Bodhi Linux. Feren OS. Puppy Linux (too light made to be run on flash disks). But in all reality anything goes, Ubuntu ...

    2024/1/14 -First of all, Linux Lite is faster and most responsive than Puppy Linux. Antix and MX Linux are very good on very old and obsolete hardware. Sorry, but ...

    2023/11/8 -Apollia's Puppy Setup and History with Puppy. I've only been using Linux, also known as GNU/Linux**, frequently since Feb. 2011, and I'm definitely still ...

    2024/5/1 -Linux WindowsユーザのためのLinuxアプリまとめ 【Flathub】Linux ... Puppy Linux(インストールと日本語化). ジャンク ... 【Duckstation】MX LinuxにPS1エミュレータを ...

    2024/2/28 -Puppy Linux 日本語 フォーラム. パピーリナックスの情報交換と楽しいおしゃべり ... また、wine はあくまでもエミュレータのようなものなので、すべての windows ...