


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/1/17 -The configuration descriptor is obtained from the device through a standard device request (GET_DESCRIPTOR), which is sent as a control transfer by the USB ...

    2024/1/17 -The host obtains the device descriptor through a control transfer. In the transfer, the request type is GET DESCRIPTOR and the recipient is the device. The ...

    2024/3/6 -You need to check GET_DESCRIPTOR responses from captured data. Linux. lsusb. You can use lsusb -v to get descriptor on Linux. To designate your device give ...

    2023/12/16 -Fetch the configuration descriptor, its associated descriptors and return it. adafruit_usb_host_descriptors.get_descriptor(device, desc_type, index, buf ...

    2024/7/26 -It represents the entire USB device. It is the first descriptor read by the host. The host receives this descriptor after sending Get_Descriptor request. The ...

    2024/2/1 -Get the USB device descriptor for a given device. This is a non-blocking function; the device descriptor is cached in memory.

    2023/11/9 -GET_DESCRIPTOR (06), Returns the descriptor table selected by the wValue parameter. 0000 0000b, SET_DESCRIPTOR (07), Sets the specified descriptor value. 1000 ...

    2024/7/26 -GET_DESCRIPTOR: This request is used to obtain the specified descriptor from the USB device and helps in identifying and configuring the device. Information ...

    2024/4/21 -I am trying to use the MAX3421E as host to read a FTDI peripheral. I can set the USB address successfully, however, I can only read the first 8 bytes of the ...

    2024/8/24 -A global variable is returned with the current configuration last set by SET_CONFIGURATION. GET_DESCRIPTOR. Returns the relevant descriptors. See Device ...