

This is a walkthrough for Rance 4.1. When travelling between rooms in dungeons, press "Advance" repeatedly to go forward, and "Retreat" to go backward.

Rance has two attacks: his regular strike (Attack Strength: 30 + Attack Stat, which starts at 2), and Rance Attack (triple regular Attack Strength). The True ...

2023/2/12 -This is probably of limited use to most people but I figured I should share - TADA (retired creator of Rance) recently released a modded ...

Rance 4.1 and 4.2 Made Me Go GAHAHAHAHA! After Rance IV came two side stories, Rance 4.1 and Rance 4.2. These games feature our titular ...


Rance 4.1: Save the Medicine Plant! Screenshots, Images, Trailers, Gameplay Videos, and More.

2018/7/5 -I really liked it, do people think it's bad or something? honestly though, i wouldn't wish 4.1 and 4.2 upon my worst enemies. Ahaha, yeah~, it ...

It's finally here o7 Rance III video (featuring some 01 and 02): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWqO-CV3v7A Rance IV video: ...


Rance II: The Rebellious Maidens. 1991, Rance III: The Fall of Leazas. 1992. 1993, Rance IV: The Legacy of Sect. 1994. 1995, Rance 4.1: Save the Medicine Plant!

... ランスコレクションパート1. series:06[SERIES CARD]:ランス 4.1の取り扱い店舗一覧. GL102334. ティーアイ東京. 価格: 160円. >商品詳細はこちら. 全て(1); 新品(0) ...

1995/11/30 -Rance 4.1 stars an indebted Rance and Athena 2.0 as they try to solve the mystery of the sudden monster attacks from underground that has ...

A.同じように、イメージをFDD1とFDD2にセットして、 Emulate>Reset すると 「フロッピーディスク版の立ち上げ方」 が表示される。 HDDから立ち上げ、FDのデータをHDD...

A.マルチエンディングを希望しますが鬼畜王ほどのモノを音声ありでは発売期間含めかなり難しいですね。全ての魔人は登場しない(ストーリーに大きくかかわらない) ただ創造神ルドラサウムがむかつくのでラス...