


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/1/11 -Package: cygwin ; description: The UNIX emulation engine ; categories: Base ; depends: _windows, bash, libgcc1, libintl8, libzstd1, zlib0 ; obsoletes: catgets.

    2024/1/7 -Bash is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh). It is intended to conform to the IEEE POSIX P1003.

    2024/5/6 -Run the Cygwin Setup program, click "Next": Leave the default choice to install from the Installer and click "Next": The default option is to ...

    2024/3/29 -I have setup a server and client (both LinuxMint 21.3) with NFS so that the client should have read-write access. However, it successfully reads but cannot ...

    2023/9/6 -... NFS. Addresses: https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2023-August/254266.html - Fix segfault when too many command line args are specified. Addresses: https ...

    2024/2/1 -New Cygwin 3.5.0 drops Windows 7/8 support, introduces advanced file system features, improved package info, and more. Learn what's new!

    A.ウインドウズでマウントしておけば //マシン名/共有名 で見えるのではないでしょうか。

    2024/2/1 -... NFS filesystems. - Enable automatic sparsifying of files on SSDs, independent of the "sparse" mount mode. - When RLIMIT_CORE is more than 1MB, a core dump ...

    2023/7/26 -In this guide on how to set up a Cygwin SFTP server, we'll begin by installing Cygwin, then proceed to configure users and permissions, the SSH file, and lastly ...

    2023/11/21 -Description System.IO.File.SetLastWriteTime throws an exception on NFS, without setting the modification time ... However a touch command from msys/cygwin on NFS ...

    2023/10/4 -To maximize performance, configure the server root ($P4ROOT) to reside on a local disk and not an NFS-mounted volume. ... Cygwin. If you have your Perforce ...