

Functions ... Concatenates the strings in the array into a large string, separated by the delimiter. ... Parses the string for an integer value. The base can be 10 ...

There are two types of string constants supported in the AngelScript language, the normal quoted string, and the documentation strings, called heredoc strings.

2004/6/6 -Hi all Is it possible to implicitely convert values (int, float, double) to bstr in angelscript? If not, this would be a nice feature to add ...

Scripts have support for writing formatted string literals in order to place the value of variables or expressions within a string. This can be especially ...

Data types · void · bool · Integer numbers · Real numbers · Arrays · Objects · Object handles · Strings.

There are two types of string constants supported in the AngelScript language, the normal double quoted string, and the documentation strings, called heredoc ...

2020/8/16 -This is a list of features in AngelScript that are either infrequently used, can be confusing to understand, or are not as well known.

Angelscript Test Support . Angelscript features a xUnit-style unit testing framework. There is also an integration test framework that can play back game ...

2013/9/3 -the variable x appears to be initialised with the value 0. It only works when i write double x=1/2.0; or double x=1.0/2;. Does it exist a way ...

2019/9/18 -AngelScript 便利ですね!スクリプト言語AngelScriptの紹介https://qiita.com/unknown_ds/items/8d64aaafd8e5ccd9ab14An…