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    2023/8/10~2023/8/15の間で行われた『RTA in Japan Summer 2023』のNinja Gaiden BlackのRTAです。 プレイヤー: せっちゃん (https://twitter.com/setyan001) ...

    YouTube-RTA in Japan

    2024/5/13 -NINJA GAIDEN』の問題点が『Black』で改善されている。視点操作が可能に、「EASY」に該当する難易度「NINJA DOG」を搭載など。 問題 ...


    I've talked about how busted the essence can be in MN over the years so I decided to really show it in this run. I don't do any farming but most fights are ...


    2023/9/25 -Overall I would say that II has better combat, but Black is a better overall game. But without a doubt, they're the two best games in the series.

    Been ages since I played Very Hard mode, still the best mode in terms of fun for me. Went with the DDB for the Stadium Challenge there is already a video ...


    2024/5/3 -Get the best deals on Ninja Gaiden Black Video Games and expand your gaming library with the largest online selection at eBay.com.

    2024/3/14 -You ever try out Ninja Gaiden: Black on the OG Xbox? Devil May Cry 3 on PS2 is also up there in terms of difficulty.

    Always love it when a title fills the character limit. Here it is, the first in a run of these I'm going to do. Right now I am not planning on including all ...


    2023/6/17 -Black reworks Ninja Gaiden to be more difficult and tests gamers with more difficult bosses while also rewarding with 2 new weapons. Black comes with the 2 ...