

2014/8/13 -The working copy has format understandable by SVN 1.8 client, but your client is SVN 1.7 or older. You should double-check what Subclipse / ...

2013/9/5 -x features and working copy. So if you got this error with (format 31), use the check for upgrade option on your Eclipse and add this url

My fault! I initially found the problem with CTRL+ALT+S (Synchronize SVN using subversive). Then I was trying to find another case which does not depend on a ...

2016/5/6 -' D:\WorkSpace\Eclipse\twos\pay\Pay ' (format ' 31 '). Workaround: Uninstalling the client, reducing the version, is not possible, the ...

2013/8/23 -org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at 'D:\DEV\s1263' (format '31'). at ...

Full-Scale SVN Client - Subversive is designed to be used as a full-featured SVN client, so you can update, commit, merge changes, work with SVN properties, ...

Setting up Eclipse to work with SVN · Run Eclipse · Go to Help >> Eclipse Marketplace... · Type "subversion" into the Find field · Click <Install> under "Subversive ...

We have large enough subversion repository and use SubGit in GitLab for duplex synchronization (svn-git-svn) . git branch branch129 07eb5d9d git checkout ...

Upgrade your command-line client to 1.4 or newer. This happens when Subversion's working-copy format changes incompatibly. The new version of Subclipse ...

It allows to customize global SVN® Team preferences: choose client, customize views, repository location folders and some general features. To configure ...