

PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.

目次 ¶ · PECL インストール入門 · PECL 拡張モジュールをダウンロードする · PHP 拡張モジュールの Windows へのインストール · 共有 PECL 拡張モジュールを、pecl ...

The abbreviation PECL can refer to: PHP Extension Community Library, a repository of extensions for the PHP programming language; Positive emitter-coupled ...

These states manage the installed pecl extensions. Note that php-pear must be installed for these states to be available.

The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) (pronounced pickle) is a repository for C and C++ extensions for compiling into the PHP language.

This guide shows you how to install a PHP Extension via PECL using the mongodb extension and PHP 8.0.2 as an example.

2024/6/13 -Overview. This section of the Module Installers interface allows you to manage and install PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) libraries.


PECLは、PHPで利用できる拡張ライブラリを提供しているサービス。 PECLで提供されるライブラリはCで記述されているため、PHPで記述され...-Wikipedia