

Active Record offers many pre-defined validation helpers that you can use directly inside your class definitions. These helpers provide common validation rules.

This method is a shortcut to all default validators and any custom validator classes ending in 'Validator'. Note that Rails default validators can be ...

Active Record offers many pre-defined validation helpers that you can use directly inside your class definitions. These helpers provide common validation rules.

# # Examples of using the default Rails validators: # # validates :username, absence: true # validates :terms, acceptance: true # validates :password ...

2020/5/1 -These helpers are established to provide common use validations like whether a required field was entered or an entry matches the required ...

2022/12/21 -According to Rails validations guides, we should use the inclusion validator to ensure the required boolean field is either true or false , but ...

A.回答を一意にするUserなのかどうかを判別するフラグを新たに持たせて、それをwith_optionsメソッドで判定すればいいです。 以下を参考にしてください。 Railsで特定の条件下で走る...

A.validates は ActiveModel::Validations モジュールで 定義されてる特異メソッドで ActiveRecord::Base などの フィールドをチェックします。 今...

A.データベースより前に、フロントエンドの脆弱性対策が先だと思います。 まずは、無料のツールを使ってみてはいかがですか。 https://yun-craft.com/admin-blog/tomiz...

2013/8/9 -If the validation function returns true or if there is an error object, i.e. object.errors is not empty, then the object is considered valid?

2023/2/1 -Whether you're validating individual models or associations between models, Rails makes it easy to specify and enforce your validation rules.

2023/12/25 -In summary, validate is used to define custom validation methods, while validates is used to apply built-in validation rules to model attributes ...

This rule says that “the name of this project must unique, within the scope of this account”. In other words, the combination of a name and account_id must be ...