

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/2/21 -ステータスの効果† · 戦闘能力値:物理防御力+3 · 戦闘能力値:複合防御力+1.5 · 物理/複合被ダメージが割合で減少 · スキルキャンセル発生確率の低下。 · 物理回避率上昇 (戦闘 ...

    2024/2/9 -Event exchange cards up to Hear Me! Hopeful Show♪ will be available in this gacha pool. Gacha Start (TW):, October 31, 2022. Gacha End (TW), March 30, 2024 ...

    2024/4/29 -v5.21以前にクエスト「鑑定の錬金術師」をクリアしている場合はワリスに自分の力を示すことで新たな称号を入手できます。


    2時間前 -⚠ WARNING: This wiki contains heavy spoilers. Read at your own risk! There are currently 1,450 articles and 1,750 files about the Lord of Mysteries, and ...

    2024/5/29 -Welcome to the Aether Gazer Wiki, a place with definitive information about Aether Gazer a 3D action game developed by Xiamen Yongshi for Android & iOS.

    2024/2/21 -I watched some content creators using some sort of wiki containing all characters habilities and skills, in english. Anyone has the link to this?

    2024/4/26 -VIPでテイルズウィーバーinエルフィンタ Wiki · 装備 · 武器鎧強化 · 覚醒. 4次覚醒; 5次覚醒 · 共通スキル.

    2024/1/31 -There is a list of wikis at the top, shown with their “favicon”, name and description. Clicking on a wiki opens it in a new browser tab. As you work on it, ...

    2024/6/4 -Blue Archive Wiki for ブルーアーカイブ,a free-to-play mobile game developed by Nexon Games.

    Characters-Recruitment (Gacha)-Missions-Total Assault

    10時間前 -now integrated with Conflux! Explore the world's largest blockchain encyclopedia at http://IQ.wiki and explore the AI-powered agent for cryptocurrency and ...