

2020/11/15 -Trying to use for a CNC machine in this case. Using 18.04. I have downloaded the gcode sender package (ugsplatform-linux) and extracted to ...

2024/5/17 -The [gcode:g0] commands are interpreted as G1 commands. Each motion command may also include an optional A- or C- number. If the number A- is ...

This manual page documents briefly the printcore command. printcore is a G-code sender for 3d printers and CNC and it is part of the printrun suite.

Yagv (Yet Another G-code Viewer) is a fast G-code viewer for Reprap-style 3D printers.

This is a quick instruction on how to install Universal G-code Sender (UGS) on Linux. In my case I am using Ubuntu, but the same method can ...

YouTube-Joacim Breiler

2022/5/29 -Does anybody know a good gcode viewer/editor for Linux? Basically something like https://ncviewer.com/, but as a local program. I tried ...

2021/3/3 -はじめにこの記事では、UbuntuにC/C++言語の開発環境をインストールするHelloWorldするの2つについて書いていきまーす前提環境Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS1.

A free and full featured gcode platform used for interfacing with advanced CNC controllers like GRBL , TinyG, g2core and Smoothieware. Universal Gcode ...


Universal G-Code Sender is a Java based, cross platform G-Code sender, compatible with GRBL, TinyG, g2core and Smoothieware. Webpage: https:// ...

Issues 167-README.md-Discussions

GComb is an open-source quick and easy Java tool intended to ease the lives of all 3D printing hobbyists by providing a look inside a “sliced” GCode file and a ...


A.インストール中にアップデートをダウンロードする。 を選択してもだめでしょうか? 多分カーネルのドライバのバグなので、それで直るかもしれません。 だめなら、シングルユーザーモードになってカ...

A.>1、まずこれは何をするコードなのでしょうか。 sources.list内にある「/http://archive.ubuntu.com」文字に 該当するものを全て「/http://jp.arc...