







Show Transcript. A stiff neck is characterized by pain, soreness, and discomfort while attempting to turn the head in any direction. A common cause for stiff ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Chronic neck pain is likely to be caused by an issue with either the spinal discs or in the joints of the cervical spine.

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Constantly tilting your neck forward can lead to a range of problems including ongoing neck pain and soreness, severe upper back muscle spasms, ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Neck muscles work together with tendons and ligaments to support and move the neck and head. Tendons are connective tissue that attach muscle to bone, ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Gently lift the forehead an inch off the towel, keeping the head facing down. Hold for 10 seconds. Aim to repeat 5 to 10 times. Chin Tuck. Stand ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


The cervical region of the spine (neck) consists of seven vertebrae. Learn how the spinal discs function and how various conditions can cause neck pain ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Neck strains and sprains occur when these soft tissues are stretched beyond their normal limits or torn, causing pain, tenderness, and difficulty moving the ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Text neck typically causes a mild ache in one specific spot or over a broader region, such as spanning from the bottom of the neck to the ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Performing some neck exercises and stretches on a daily basis can help treat text neck as well as reduce the risk of painful recurrences. When ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


You will stand up or sit up tall, put your hands behind your head, and just gently bring your chin towards your chest. Hold this stretch for 10 ...

Spine-health-Natalie Ullrich PT DPT OCS, ,


Apply ice or heat. Either ice or heat can be applied to the neck for pain relief, depending on your preference. Ice tends to be good at stopping ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Keeping the shoulders back, bring the chin toward the chest by bending the head straight forward. A slight stretch will be felt in the back of ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Explore the process for selecting a correct support pillow and which body positions may help alleviate neck pain during sleep or during waking activities.

Spine-health-Andrew Cole MD, ,


Try heat therapy, such as taking a warm shower or using a heating pad to loosen and relax the muscles. Consider an over the counter pain ...

Spine-health-Veritas Health, ,


Cervical collars may be used to reduce the chance of further injuring the cervical spine, but they are usually a short-term part of treatment.

Spine-health-Marco Funiciello DO, ,


Show Transcript. Most minor strains of ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the neck heal relatively quickly, perhaps in just a few days. Until the symptoms ...

Spine-health-Marco Funiciello DO, ,


To do this, you'll stand in a corner a doorway with your forearms against a wall and elbows a little bit lower than your shoulders. You can ...

Spine-health-Natalie Ullrich PT DPT OCS, ,
