
#銀次速報 どようび にちようび 「『天の父と私は一つである。』光の子らよ、目を閉じて眠りながら天の父の未知の領域に入りなさい。そしてあなた方は星の光を浴び、天の父はあなた方をその手に抱き、あなた方の中に知識の泉を湧き出させるであろう」(エッセネ派)

Johnny Mnemonic@John_M_Q

"'The Heavenly Father and I are One.' And close your eyes, Sons of Light, and in sleep enter into the unknown realms of the Heavenly Father. And you will bathe in the light of the stars, and the Heavenly Father will hold you in his hand and cause a spring of knowledge to well up…

