


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/reformedspec/s…

Reformed Spec@reformedspec

$IWM Small Caps rallying but then selling off at the end of week, not a strong sell signal yet, but a weak up bar to end the week: pic.twitter.com/DC3EF5VB0e


返信先:@HCaufieldberg2Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/HCaufieldberg/…

Holden Caufieldberg - “parody”@HCaufieldberg

返信先:@sstrazza1If passive flows find their way into small/midcap indices, we will see a move higher. IWM is a crap index. If they don’t show up, it’s over. I believe the flows will show up and over the past # of weeks, it’s very clear that “retail” traders (&, Druck) have been pushing it higher…


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/AarushP1/statu…


$IWM x.com/RyanDetrick/st…


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/Adamocomic/sta…

Adam Oliensis@Adamocomic

返信先:@RyanDetrickNice work. Question: what % of the time is the RUT up a year later with NO filter? >50%, surely. But what's the delta? (Not intended as criticism. Curious.)


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/Tinman76666154…


返信先:@RyanDetrickBut it gave back most of the gains, Ryan.


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/paolo_riccelli…

Paolo Riccelli@paolo_riccelli

返信先:@RyanDetrickAnother angle… what about the signal when it flashes very late?


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/ikumen33/statu…


返信先:@RyanDetrickIn the above case, the $QQQ would perform better.


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/LeeTrenum/stat…

Lee Trenum@LeeTrenum

返信先:@RyanDetrickNice work. Curious how their future returns compare to larger market-cap stocks. Small-caps up more than them?


返信先:@RyanDetrickDon't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/Icarus_Entity/…

Icarus ☀️@Icarus_Entity

$META another strong watch, esp with that gap to fill on the daily. ER on 6/24 so play safe!!! #OptionsTrading $SPY $QQQ #earningsseason $FB pic.twitter.com/jDQ9ROT6m7


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/SweatWithJohn/…


What stocks is everyone looking forward to accumulating this next week? I personally have my eyes on a few discounts: $GME $AMC $KOSS $DJT $IWM


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/LeaderInvests/…


返信先:@Freedom_By_40How’ll miners react? Or this move mainly in the weekend and they follow the short trend down first, after going bolistic higher. Combined with $IWM breakout.


Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/steve2bacon/st…


返信先:@AdultingIsEasy$IWM small cap index fund lol pic.twitter.com/6izkQJlbJY


Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/SultanOf_Swing…

Sultan of Swing@SultanOf_Swing

$IWM closed bellow AVWAP from gap up day on CPI data. Nothing to worry about just think we likely go to test the 10/20 DMA. pic.twitter.com/E6TNzD7DST


Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/radduder/statu…


$RUT 40% of #Russell2000 companies have negative earnings. ☢️ Even when rates were 0. Cheap is cheap for a reason. 🗑️ #Wallstreetbets $NVDA $SMCI $TSLA $GME $GOOG $SPY $IWM $RUT $QQQ $SOXX $AMD $TSM $AAPL $INTC $QCOM $MRVL $MSFT $AVGO $ARM $COIN $RIOT $PLTR $SNOW $AMZN $SHOP… pic.twitter.com/qgqqQsFtRl


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/MarketsInterna…

Market Internals@MarketsInternal

Getting Qs about $IWM, Bullish 2D, HYG / HY LIQ Spread above the 50 line, but there is an overextension on the 3D IWM above 65 RSI. Currently @ 8HR YEQ 215s, if a dip to 3D AMA happens [$209] it's buyable so long as the 3D candle closes above the AMA on WED. $QQQ $SPY $VIX pic.twitter.com/2buaUAJf7R


Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/steve2bacon/st…


My dd on $IWM was done a long ass time ago. My original post I quoted in this blueprint tweet was from 1/16/23 lol. And that bar chart was published by BoA from Oct 2022. No need to tell me where it might go cuz my targets have never changed. Thinking about adding more shares… x.com/steve2bacon/st…


返信先:@steve2baconDon't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/danshep55/stat…

Dan 🐩🐩🐩@danshep55

What a week it was. With last weekend's news to seeing the market roll over a bit, there were certainly lots of trades to the downside. $TSLA was one, $NVDA was another and $AMD got hammered. $SMH didn't fair well, neither did the $QQQ or $IWM. What is in store this week?… pic.twitter.com/qBiwWhIyeS


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/n0r1sk1tn0b1sk…


返信先:@Mr_Derivatives$IWM turns into a bunch of IOUs


Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/kpak82/status/…


$IWM Rejected at channel resistance. If it falls back inside the ascending wedge, that would not be bullish. pic.twitter.com/NWR0pubCd7 x.com/kpak82/status/…


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/biggilfoot/sta…

mark gilmore@biggilfoot

返信先:@TradingThomas3Do you buy when $sox breaks the 50 day ?? If so then you should be bullish


Don't take rotation shit, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA x.com/PerthParaglide…

Dan Conrad@PerthParaglider

返信先:@ausstockchickToo funny, small caps did that for 4 days last week and now they are dumping hard $IWM looks to retrace back to $200. Small caps are total losers.


返信先:@PerthParaglider1Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


返信先:@justanotheryoloDon't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


返信先:@XuanDan403574661Don't take rotation, kind started it for porpose, but will turn out small caps never actually #Earning. back to big company, #FundamentalIs Nothing Change at All, $QQQ $SPY $SPX $nvda $IWM $SOX #AIは全てに使う。 USDJPY 利下げ ドル円 円高 円安 エヌビディア/先物/クロス円/NISA


  1. 1



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  2. 2


  3. 3



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  4. 4


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    • 『キン肉マン』
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  9. 9


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