


“I thought that my only good trait was to gaze at the sky and get lost in my thoughts.” Physics laureate Syukuro Manabe. Learn how his work paved the way for today’s climate change models. bit.ly/3xLd2XQ #NobelPrize pic.x.com/8tjdlp3obw

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


After learning he received the 2016 physics prize, Duncan Haldane did what he always does on Tuesday mornings. He went to teach his electromagnetism class, which greeted him with cheers and applause. On 8 October we will announce who has received the 2024 #NobelPrize in Physics. pic.x.com/fz20d16oye

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Five days before her birthday, @CarolynBertozzi got an early morning call from Stockholm telling her she had received the 2022 #NobelPrize in Chemistry and snapped this selfie. Who will receive the 2024 chemistry prize? Mark your calendars for 9 October to find out. pic.x.com/kwyrhngurb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Have you read 'Lord of the Flies'? The novel, written by William Golding, was first published #OnThisDay in 1954. Golding was awarded the 1983 #NobelPrize in Literature for his novels which illuminate "the human condition in the world of today". pic.x.com/lc6xlib2tx

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


In 1995 Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland were awarded the #NobelPrize in Chemistry for helping us understand why the ozone layer was disappearing. #OTD in 1987, nations signed the Montreal Protocol to help us protect it. Image: Ozone hole calculated by NASA 2023 pic.x.com/8sxcmq513l

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Did you know Latin America has been a nuclear-weapons-free zone since 1967. Learn why: bit.ly/4dbmGa0 Whose humanitarian efforts will be awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize on 11 October? Stay tuned to our channels to find out. #NobelPeacePrize #NobelPrize pic.x.com/relivtwxhm

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I was very surprised, sleepy, shocked, and very honoured." - Moungi Bawendi on how he felt after finding out he had been awarded the 2023 #NobelPrize in Chemistry for his work on quantum dots. This year's chemistry prize will be announced on 9 October. We can't wait. Can you? pic.x.com/i7t0qgme6g

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Thumbs up! Tasuku Honjo, surrounded by his team at @univkyoto, immediately after hearing the public news he had received the 2018 #NobelPrize in Physiology or Medicine. Join us on 7 October when we will break the news on who has been awarded the 2024 medicine prize. pic.x.com/ml1uhkwtcv

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Where does the prize money come from? When businessman and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel died, he left the majority of his fortune to the establishment of the Nobel Prizes. Learn more about the Nobel Prizes: bit.ly/3NSKdRz #NobelPrize pic.x.com/nxiixq0dxe

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#OTD in 2015, the universe’s gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein a century before, were observed for the first time by @LIGO. The observation led to a new way to study our universe and the 2017 #NobelPrize in Physics for Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne. pic.x.com/9d2dlmvbre

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


As a 14-year-old boy, Abdus Salam, gained the highest marks ever recorded for the Matriculation Examination at University of the Punjab. In 1979, he was awarded the #NobelPrize in Physics. Don't miss the announcement of the 2024 physics prize next month. pic.x.com/0lhbvvrvsf

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


私の4人目の子供 真織愛(Maria)が、今月9月2日に #ノーベル物理学賞受賞者#朝永振一郎」記念「#科学の芽」賞にエントリーしました。#研究観察 を8月29日から開始し、そろそろ提出します。凄まじい身体能力の #カエル に感謝。#Frog #物理学 #科学 #Physics #Science #サイエンス #NobelPrize pic.x.com/fvvxyqe3t1


Why are the kernels in corncobs different colours? The explanation lies in how different genes are expressed. Barbara McClintock studied genetics and "jumping genes"and received the #NobelPrize for her work. Who will receive this year's prize? Find out in October. pic.x.com/gphfnvjkau

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


日本人の名前が漢字表記されてる! 9/4の山中伸弥さんは英語表記だけだったのに ちょっと嬉しい #NobelPrize x.com/NobelPrize/sta…

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize

Hiroshi Amano (天野 浩) was a co-inventor of the blue LED. Illuminating our world with the invention of a more energy-efficient and environment-friendly light source, Amano received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 alongside Isamu Akasaki (赤崎 勇) and Shuji Nakamura (中村修二). pic.x.com/stne1uhkqj



The first Nobel Prizes were awarded more than a century ago in 1901. Since then the prizes have been awarded annually – with a few exceptions. Discover more: bit.ly/2qERRYV #NobelPrize pic.x.com/3skg03sbk4

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Six days. Six prizes. One month away. 🎉 Keep an eye on our social channels starting on 7 October to find out who has become a 2024 Nobel Prize laureate. See the full list of announcement dates: nobelprize.org/prizes/about/p… #NobelPrize pic.x.com/bd8hyoqz2i

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Listen to literature laureate Bob Dylan talking about 'The Odyssey', including his lyrical description of a hero looking for salvation: bit.ly/3XUwOPH Don't miss the announcement of the 2024 literature prize in one month! #NobelPrize pic.x.com/h4auat0btt

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"My fish and chips were just put down in front of me when someone rang and said, 'Hello this is Stockholm speaking, you've won the Nobel Prize this year.'" Robin Warren was sitting in a pub opposite colleague Barry Marshall when they got the #NobelPrize call. pic.x.com/o9pnz0jh4s

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency.” Al Gore in his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize lecture Learn more about the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize: bit.ly/3eZcRQj #NobelPrize pic.x.com/lgmicuxdge

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Nadine Gordimer was a fearless anti-apartheid activist and writer who used her intense, human writing as a tool to help expose apartheid to the world. She was awarded the 1991 #NobelPrize in Literature. On 10 October we will discover this year's laureate(s) - stay tuned! pic.x.com/zcbgm4doip

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Take a look at the notebook that belonged to chemist and #NobelPrize laureate Roger Tsien as a child. His blossoming interest in chemistry is evident in his lists of basic elements and minerals. He also copied sketches of chemistry experiments from his chemistry book. pic.x.com/3awovdzcvn

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#OnThisDay in 5 September 1985, scientists generated fullerenes (also known as Buckyballs) for the first time. Robert Curl Jr, Sir Harold Kroto and Richard Smalley received the 1996 #NobelPrize in Chemistry for their discovery, which is now used in nanotechnology. pic.x.com/eh7pzzwdzy

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I liked science, but never imagined I could make a career out of it,” said laureate Louis Brus. Learn more about his journey from a hardware store to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry: nobelprize.org/prizes/chemist… #NobelPrize pic.x.com/p7psxkixws

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Why are they called Nobel Prize laureates? In ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors as a sign of honour. Put that together with the Nobel Prize and we get “Nobel Prize laureate”. Discover more #NobelPrize facts: bit.ly/2qERRYV pic.x.com/cvkchamylh

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Do you recognise the double-awarded Nobel Prize laureate? Watch this unique clip showing Linus Pauling receive his second Nobel Prize in 1962. Eight years earlier he had received the prize in chemistry, in 1962 he received the peace prize. #NobelPrize pic.x.com/sn04hfsmvx

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Take a sneak peek at theoretical physicist Abdus Salam's office. The picture was taken in 1983, four years after he was awarded the #NobelPrize in Physics. Learn more: bit.ly/3dbeQx6 pic.x.com/otvcfvm8c4

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Arthur Ashkin was awarded the 2018 physics prize for creating optical tweezers. His tweezers use laser light to grab, turn, push and pull tiny particles like atoms and molecules – without touching the objects being investigated. #NobelPrize pic.x.com/3y8esicufs

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Knowledge about the brain’s positioning system may shed light on the mechanism underpinning the devastating spatial memory loss that affects people with Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more: nobelprize.org/prizes/medicin…#NobelPrize pic.x.com/zfm6lqmrmc

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Physics laureate Anne L’Hullier was left with “a strong belief in the power of research and science” after scary predictions about her mother’s health did not come true. Learn more about her life: nobelprize.org/prizes/physics… #NobelPrize pic.x.com/v12qtd6k4x

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Why is there a Nobel Prize? It’s all because of Alfred Nobel. His will stated that the prizes should be awarded to those who "have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.” Find out more about the establishment of the #NobelPrize: bit.ly/2o3eoxy pic.x.com/fcoyjdytg1

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" - peace laureate Martin Luther King Jr, 28 August 1963. #NobelPrize pic.x.com/bho0di0ejt

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"It's not hard to stay interested and curious in a field like organic chemistry, especially in the way it intersects with biology." Check out @CarolynBertozzi's official #NobelPrize interview, where she discusses the great mystery of the human body. bit.ly/3rD8N1b pic.x.com/1hu4p7kox1

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“Many brilliant and determined women came before me,” says Claudia Goldin. Learn more about the laureate in economic sciences’ work on women’s earnings and the gender gap: nobelprize.org/prizes/economi…#NobelPrize pic.x.com/9fdjlb1vks

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


  1. 1



    • 若者のすべて
    • 電話の音
    • Tarzan
    • コーンポタージュ
    • 髙地くん
    • カラオケ
    • 台本通り
    • ウユニ塩湖
    • ほくじゅり
    • じゅり
    • 台本なし
  2. 2



    • 岩本照
    • ドルチェアンドガッバーナ
    • SnowMan
  3. 3



    • ケレハー
    • ソボスライ
    • カーティス
  4. 4



    • 小野賢章
    • ATRI
  5. 5



    • エンチャンター
    • マインクラフト
    • こち亀
  6. 6


  7. 7



    • 全国デビュー
    • 最高で最強の
    • eighterでよかった
    • 最高で最強
    • 続けてくれて
    • 人生最高
    • 一緒に連れて
  8. 8



    • 小鞠
    • ひとりじゃない
    • 関係ねぇ
    • 最終回です
    • ED
  9. 9



    • ネルソン
    • フラム
    • ニューカッスル
    • アーセナル
  10. 10



    • デリフト
    • ガルナチョ
    • ラッシュフォード
    • ホイルンド
    • ウガルテ
    • テンハグ
    • カゼミロ



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