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ハッピーハロウィーン。エリスさんのこの魔女スタイルはとてもかわいくて好きなので、そのイメージの絵をタノム、とお願いして描いてもらいました。 #ルーンテラ #ArtofLegends #lor #LeagueOfLegends #LeagueOfLegendsFanArt #LeagueOfLegendsArt #Legendsofruneterra #elise pic.x.com/MZJ1tr2PnJ
ふふオーナー座るください and don't worry I know you preparing to Halloween so I hope they'll helpful to you and sure let's fresh up by pool for good start day hehe 🤗🥹 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/SsJRDDbW0b
ふふオーナーこんにちは glad that you came here hehe I guess you going to training so please don't shy I took some sweets so before start work let's enjoy them together 🤗😘🍭 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/mcSPHl0n4j
ふふオーナー近くください thanks for breakfast together and now let me hug you let me give you some gentle hug for your pleasant day hehe 🥹🤗🍀 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/DBZOXfgFkj
ふふオーナーお願いします please don't shy I brought some coffee so sit down and let me up your mood to work and make your week is productive hehe 🥹😘☕ #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/3EA3hSwQE2
おおオーナーおはよう glad that you woke up too I hope you slept well and I hope you feel great today so if you don't mind let's start morning together with breakfast hehe 😍😘 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/jp22G7Mbw8
あのオーナーお願いします and I see you weary after work so please let me care for you I have some yummies for you and let's go back to hotel together hehe 🥹😘🍭 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/6Zw3Rx4fMT
おおオーナーこんばんは glad to see you here I guess you done with work today and I hope you heard what happened recently hehe don't shy join to me and let me share this with you hehe 😅😘 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #DOAXVVP #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/M8dyOyCslI
ふふオーナー近くください and before you start your training please let me hug you that your day start nice and your work will productive hehe 🤗🍀 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/0geGDewVbc
ふふオーナーお願いします and I brought some breakfast so don't shy I guess you want some coffee so let's enjoy this morning and I hope it'll up your mood hehe 🤗☕ #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/ND0JuLmUAk
おおオーナーおはよう glad to see you here I hope you good spent weekend and now I guess you still won't eat so if you don't mind let's start Monday with breakfast together hehe 😍😘 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/tJgeTNyp7W
#DOAXVV 🎓#Elise🖋️ 🧼ふわもこフォーム🌫️ ななみちゃんだけでないんだが。。。🥲 水着を着ているのが分かった時点で、夢がなくなるんだよな😇 泡だけだとまずかったのかなぁ~🙄 着崩れに至っては、グラスホッパーへダウングレードだもんな~😝🤣あと数回引いて撤回かな🌬️🥷🌬️ pic.x.com/MIsYLFq60l
あのオーナーちょと待たせください and I have something what can make your day even better I took some yummies so please accept them and I hope your day will great and thank you for swim together hehe 🤗😘🍭 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/D5nDI6bG9i
ふふオーナーどうですか and today is pretty good whether for swim so that you feel better on rest part of day let's enjoy nice water hehe 🥰😘🐬 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/upGoeRyvFS
ふふオーナーこんにちは glad that you came here too I hope you feel good today and I guess you after training so how about little take a break together hehe 😍😘 #DOAXVV #Elise #エリーゼ #ブイブイ #VirtualPhotography pic.x.com/FpkhswRgpv
#秋のオープンカー #elise 新しいタイヤ🛞 装着❣️ BS POTENZA RE-71RS かっこいいパターンだね〜♪ Rよりグリップも耐摩耗性も 向上しているらしい… まあ凡人には使い込んだ旧タイヤより 全てが良いに決まってますけどね♫ 本日は小雨混じりのお天気でしたので チョットお買い物程度で無事帰宅♫ pic.x.com/Q7EPYyacO1
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- 生きててよかった
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- 37thシングル
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Blue night
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