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一週間あっという間でした。 新しいプロジェクトが始まるまでのこのわずかな期間を大切に過ごしたい。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
The week went by so quickly. The calm before the storm. I want to make the most of this time.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny and then cloudy. There's 0% chance of rain. 今日も(今日まで)雨の心配は無いかな #twinglish Notice: no advisory
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny and 0% chance of rain. Notice: Gale advisory High wave advisory 今日はよく晴れそう、但し強風注意 #twinglish
明日は有休。下の子のお遊戯会を見に行ってきます!楽しみ😊 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I'm taking a paid day off tomorrow. I’m going to see my daughter’s kindergarten play. I can’t wait!
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny with occasional clouds. There's 0% chance of rain. Notice, no advisory. 今日はよく晴れそう #twinglish
コートを出してみたらめちゃくちゃ暑かった🥵薄手のコート欲しい #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I decided to put on a coat today, but my clothing was unsuitable for the weather. I want a topcoat… #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish
I think The weather in Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy and then sunny. According to the weather forecast There's 50% chance of rain in the morning and there's 10% chance of rain from noon. 今日の天気は回復傾向するみたい #twinglish
Yoshida Udon noodle 吉田のうどん、美味い! うどんの駅 西桂店にて 駐車場が広いのがまずとても良い(^^) in Yamanashi pref. Japan #twinglish pic.x.com/AyeKwwh9hD
今日は寒かった‼︎ ちょっと早いけどヒーターを出しました。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
It was so cold all day today. The temperature is 10 degrees. It’s a little early but I took out the heater.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny and 0% chance of rain. 今日も晴れそう #twinglish Notice: no advisory
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny and 0% chance of rain. Notice: Gale advisory High wave advisory 今日はよく晴れそう 但し風強しか #twinglish
やることがなくて1日中調べ物をしてました😅 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
It was slow today, too. I'd got nothing to do, I was Browsing the internet all day.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy and then sunny. 曇りのち晴れるかな #twinglish There's 20% chance of rain. Notice: no advisory
やっと衣替えをしました。 服を買いすぎてお金がない💸 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
Last weekend, I changed clothes for the new season. I bought a lots of clothes, so my pockets are empty. I need to save money.
According to the weather forecast Un Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy and there's 10-30 chance of rain. 今日は曇りがちの天気 #twinglish Notice: no advisory
It was really nice bath time in Umeno-Yu(梅の湯), which is the nearest public bath place from Kitasenju(#北千住) station😌 There was no one but me in the wide bathtub bcz of late visit at midnight. So I kept this cozy happy Friday bath time to myself😉 #twinglish #銭湯 pic.x.com/gTfdx4zul1
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy and then rainy. In particular Tonight there's 60% chance of rain. 夜は傘が必要かも #twinglish Notice: no advisory
昨日に引き続き今日も在宅勤務。明日は出社予定です。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I worked from home continuing from yesterday. It's relaxing to stay home. I’m going to go to our office tomorrow.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny with occasional clouds. There's 0% chance of rain. 今日はよく晴れるかな #twinglish Notice: no advisory
引き継ぎ業務がほぼ完了して、眠気との戦いに一変しました。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I worked from home all day today. Since take over duties completed, it's quiet today. I had been struggling to stay awake.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be sunny with occasional clouds. There's 50% chance of rain in the morning. 午後は雨があがるかな #twinglish Notice: no advisory
定時に仕事が終わりました! アフターファイブを楽しみます! #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I'm done with work for the day! It’s been a while since I left on time. I'll fully enjoy my free time in my short break.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy with occasional rain. There's 20% chance of rain in the morning and there's 90% chance of rain from noon. 午後から天気悪そう #twinglish
TOEIC testが終わって肩の荷がおりました。 ちょっとだけ休んだら、また次の目標に向かって頑張ります。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
I'm done with Toeic test. That's a load off my shoulders. I take a little break, and then I'll continue working hard towards my next goal.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be rainy and then cloudy. There's 80% chance of rain. 雨のち曇りみたい #twinglish Notice: no advisory
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be rainy and then sunny. There is 50% chance of rain in the morning. 午後から天気は回復するかな #twinglish Notice: no advisory
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy and there's 10-30% chance of rain. 今日も雲多し #twinglish Notice: no advisory
It’s already been 3days since Monday started. Keep it up. #twinglish 平日始まってもう3日経った。この調子で頑張ろう。と言いたい
10/27衆議院選挙。選挙カーがうるさくて仕事に集中できなかった…早く選挙が終わってほしい。 #英語ツイートチャレンジ #英語日記 #twinglish x.com/peginton_eng/s…
The House of Representatives election will be held on October 27st. The loud volume of the campaign cars were noisy, so I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I wish this election was over.
According to the weather forecast In Tokyo Today It'll be cloudy with occasional rain, there is 70% chance of rain. 今日は雨模様 #twinglish Notice: Thunderstorm advisory