


🤡嘘ミーム feat. #裏命🤡 📍私はこの曲がとても大好きです...そしてそれと同じくらい裏命も大好きです!正直、CEVIO のフルタイムに切り替えたくなりました。 Fake Meme feat. RIME 📍I love this song .. and i love RIME just as much! This honestly makes me want to switch to CEVIO full-time pic.twitter.com/11y9mZ6F4a

@RAWDOGRICKY 🔜 🥞@rawdogrik


Just finished watching Kimiyuki episode 7 🌸 Well.... just as I thought... Not much plot going on, but I guess they needed to do this to show the start of the deepening trust between Daisaku and Kyuu 君とゆきて咲く~新選組青春録~ #TVer tver.jp/episodes/epkan…


返信先:@datbx_there’s a hira え when the rest of the word is in kata and indeed should be spelled as インディード as in “indiido” rather than インデエド “inde-ehdo” in any case, it still looks really good! just need that extra touch to elevate the joke that much more :)

mint jip latte 🍉@Jipufix


Early steam end , as the root of Tamago 🍳たまご's back tooth was worked on. It was too much to bair , so let's just let her recover from the treatment of the other day 🙏


歯の根本の処理してもらったんですが、顔がぱんぱんに腫れてゲームを楽しむ所じゃなくなったので今日は辞めました 化膿止め貰ったので明日にはよくなると思うんですが、またツイートで明日の朝告知します Me dolían los dientes y tenía la mitad de la cara hinchada, así que me tomé la medicina…



You. ❤️ Cover. A Japanese & English comic on my backstory haha. I'm not going to include trigger warnings, this is 18+ account. Tw are glorified too much on tiktok as it is- Just be aware, there are dark topics..about me here. 許してください . . . pic.twitter.com/Ci8N13wrgO

Victor Pies@VicThePie


敵に立ち向かうには大変な勇気が必要だが、友人に立ち向かうのも同じくらいの勇気が必要だ。 “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” J.K. Rowling pic.twitter.com/Q3afgWYoas



The responses to this are uncomfortable: Many seem to take the 英語のアナウンス's "reserved for" (in "reserved for elderly and handicapped passengers") literally and therefore presume that japonophones using one priority seat each are just as much as fault as these tourists.

Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸@mrjeffu

Another rude foreign tourist video is being circulated by Japanese social media users. It shows 4 girls and their huge luggage occupying 8 seats in a priority section of a train designated for elderly/disabled/pregnant passengers (the blue signs are in English too).

サトル・イアン(Ian SUTTLE)@satorukun_0530


#羽生結弦公式YouTubeチャンネル 💌 Yuzu why are you so cute! (たぶん) 🥹 please don't apologise or feel pressured at all! just living in the same era as you and watching your beautiful skating makes us unbelievably lucky ♡ thank you soo much, have PLENTY OF REST yourself! 😭🥺🤍

plum ˚⊹☄@Yuzupoohru


返信先:@AYabanjinIt was really quick, but my teeth didn’t have much tarter buildup. Maybe 10 minutes? My husband’s took about 20 minutes. My dentist just referred to it as 「スウェーデンのクリーニングの方法」 and 「GBT」. He also mentioned 「エアフロー」.

Heather Tajima@heather_tajima


返信先:@Shin_RamenTJ1the translator dumbs down too much because even 逃げ出すisn’t the same as just “leaving” 🥴🥴 the dog comment makes more sense for their dynamic too, i think ian was ordered to do something that never sat right with jamie and he’s been holding a grudge ever since


✨GIVEAWAY - FREE ABYSS! ✿ 1 Winner for Abyss + 5 Winners for 1 Hu-Point(s) To enter: ✿『 Just like and RT this post 』♫ Ending it 6 hour(s)⌛ I will try as many times as I want and as much as I can! ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ #genshinimpact #genshintwt pic.twitter.com/d3R50qJnVw

👻 Hu Tao Wangsheng - HSR & Genshin Pilot ✦✦@hu_pilot


返信先:@fuwamoco_enI just caught the end to hear Secret Garden! Incredible!! I'm definitely going to catch the rest as soon as I can 🔥 Hololive has really grown so much since they first step foot in the virtual world… Can you believe it's been 6 years?! 💦 おめでとうございます、ホロ1期生!!✨

Nae Yurimiya@yurimiyanae


tl things rambling technically ik everyone pretty much agree that 主任 is chief but i can’t for the life of me type “chief-pi” when translating for chihiro bc it just doesn’t look and sound good jjrnfjkdks “mana-pii” on the other hand has the same amount of sounds as 主任ぴ


敵に立ち向かうには大変な勇気が必要だが、友人に立ち向かうのも同じくらいの勇気が必要だ。 “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” J.K. Rowling pic.twitter.com/zATtuJy9H1



saw someone mention chapter 214 and i remembered how much i loved this one panel specifically. the furigana of 不幸 reading "I" instead of ふこう or "me AND my suffering" (as it was translated)... it's just a little detail but i really really love it pic.twitter.com/0E487oChaM



dhakdjks so my late grandmother’s schooling was in japanese. just now, as i was telling my mom how much japanese is loan words from english (e.g., バナナ, コンピューター, ピアノ), she said when my grandma first visited the US, she was like wow i already know english lmaooo

such an obscure person@vilevelns


返信先:@kokokuusatokunココボさん、おはようございます!🐰🐇🌞🥰💕✨️ Cocobo-san is so lucky to have you take care of him ☺️☺️☺️ I shall care for animals just as much as you care for Cocobo-san 🥹🥹🥹



*That's just the way it is. = 「そういうものだよ」と言うときの Tomiko Claire as Emily: I wish we didn't fight so much, though. Aoyama Thelma: Families fight. That's just the way it is. NHK #英会話フィーリングリッシュ S2 (L23)-2 nhk.jp/p/ts/EVP436RWL… pic.twitter.com/jd5r9FfwVr



浄化期間17日目。自己ヒーリングを行う。前よりヒビキを感じない、、、。レイキが流れているイメージだけはしっかりしておく。 17th day of the purification period. I am doing self-healing. I don't feel the vibrations as much as before. I just keep imagining that Reiki is flowing.


Fuwawa, Mococo, hope your busy day went well!! I thought it was just some light rain but apparently it's like a typhoon in some areas, and an actual one coming in the next days Please take as much care as you can from both the weather and from catching a cold なでなで~ #FUWAMOCO



week4 day1 Have you guys decided your summer vacation plans yet? My plan is to eat as much かき氷 as possible. How about you Michael? And my plan is to eat as much watermelon as possible. So we just eating. Have fun. Thanks. Ok.See you next time. Bye. #中学生の基礎英語レベル2



It’s all called BL. Yaoi was and is actual term, but now is not used as much as BL. There’s a thing like ソフトBL(soft BL), but at the end of the day it’s just BL.

Natsuno Tori🇺🇦🔞☔️🍄🥂👔5️⃣🐯🩷💚🦊🍊@ToriNatsuno


敵に立ち向かうには大変な勇気が必要だが、友人に立ち向かうのも同じくらいの勇気が必要だ。 “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” J.K. Rowling pic.twitter.com/fPcUW3JEiy



返信先:@aibaaiaiI came from Guangzhou and my husband came from New York to Fukuoka just to hear you sing and Roselia perform! You were amazing as always, we love you so much! ありがとうございます♪♪♪


Kid Lykos gear watching. I've never ever expect that he wears orange as gear but, it's very much Lykos. And his scarf collection is just keep expanding キッド・ライコス Kid Lykos @ThisIs_Progress Super Strong Style 16 Day 1 @ Electric Ballroom, London 26 May pic.twitter.com/Og7otJvtvP



We may not be able to watch a live stream of the final FaOI Makuhari performance, but our hearts are with you just as much today as yesterday. We ❤️ you, Yuzu! 頑張って! #羽生結弦 #HANYUYUZURU #羽生结弦 #FaOI2024 #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #FaOI #YuzuruHanyu pic.twitter.com/HiB7yp0jax



外国人さんにとっての日本 鶏肉がその辺を歩いてて取り放題。 普通に鳩の羽根むしり出すのやばいしこれは違反ですよね? Japan for foreigners You can just walk around and take as much chicken as you want. It's dangerous to pluck the feathers off a pigeon, so isn't that a violation?…

ショート動画館 Short video gallery@kB1up0hqBM53804


"I hate to break the news, but as you get older you realise adults very very rarely act like adults - no matter how high up or educated, we are all just stumbling through life and treating things as they come, using as much past experience as possible to guide us."真理(私含め


ㅤ "and we hope you had as much fun as we did up here on stage.” “Before we wrap things up, I just want to say a huge thanks to our crew who made tonight possible. And of course, none of this would be possible without ya’ll. 大好きだよ!” ㅤ pic.twitter.com/y5QGOuCzk4



返信先:@iamprinceelliotMY FIRST STORY - 終焉レクイエム (Shuuen Requiem) MY FIRST STORY - LEADER I enjoy them both just as much as I did when I first listened to them!


very much considering putting “君の声が響く世界だ” from jotc or just “hope in the dark” as my ending quote in my diss acknowledgments,, I started watching lxm after they debuted in my second year of uni, so I’ve spent Countless hours watching them during my studies 🥹


#freyjatwt 導入 ------♪! もしもい!! 私はフレイ邪。 私15歳、そいして私わのmbtiでISFP-T。 私じゃぱねせフレイ邪。 im not actually japanese nd i barely speak any japanese this is just as much as i can write 。。。ふふふ。。。 pic.twitter.com/O38AP6DiZB

japanese freyja@mekubuzii


返信先:@jhonpl55Because it's definitely meant as “男の娘”. Would it really just be saying “cute boy”? “cute male girl” makes so much more sense. I mean, can I say there's 0.00 chance? I guess not. That would be so fucking funny.


返信先:@RetroToshiIsn't "nip" (appears to be short for にっぽん) just as bad as well? It also comes from WW2 though you don't hear it as much as the other one. Considering the only time I heard it was in the book IT spoken by one of the bad guys' racist veteran father, it sure sounds just as bad.

Dark Redshift@DarkRedshift


As much as I love metal and metal bands, I actually love underground idol just as much! NARLOW 「いにしえに響き続ける声」-Music Video- youtu.be/CgZIABUwnrk?si… via @YouTube

Ronnimetal Pico Deathchama@ronnimetal


I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN OR HOW WE REACHED 500 FOLLOWERS!?!?!?*@&#&#^##%°■○♤●♡¥\£}\*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  Thank you all so much for tagging along while i'm growing and learning both as just a silly girl and an artist!!! I love ya'll!!! pic.twitter.com/HfJaLDSMyv


今夜は雑談枠です!普段ゲーム配信でゆっくり話せない事、まったりやっていくよ☺️ 寝落ち用にもどうぞ♪(ノーパラパラDAY) 📺#深夜雑談配信 11pm - 1am Just chatting stream from 11pm in JP time. Please come and chat with me! 🥰 I'll try to speak in EN as much as I can💪 #Twitch pic.twitter.com/HudTatnGKz

NekoNeisan LIVE@Neko_NeisanLIVE


返信先:@tasse_jjAhhhhh I only made four in total and gave three away to friends 😭🙏...... I'm sorry, たっせさん…as much as I'd love to share it,😣I just don't have the extra money or energy to make it these days💦…



返信先:@KisakaToriamai have just a lil experience with piercings lol, and the neck pillow trick got me through so much 😭 you can also use your arm the same way, but it’s not as comfy imo. and there is no easy way to do a soaking for helix, so ガンバレ



返信先:@Berice1011Just to point out the facts so there is no unnecessary confusion. All too much of that going on around here. Fictionally, totally different. Yasuke can be that legendary samurai, as it were, and his void note after Honnōji is rife to create a riveting, fictitious story. 楽しみ pic.twitter.com/R6rsADpGVJ

Christian Alexander Nakasone Richmond@ChristianR95


  1. 1


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    • 薮宏太
    • 草間リチャード敬太
    • Hey!Say!JUMP
    • ジョナサン
  3. 3



    • 県警本部長が犯罪隠ぺいした
    • 勾留理由開示
    • 鹿児島県警
    • 県警本部長
    • 野川本部長
    • 国家公務員法違反
    • 情報漏えい
    • 漏らした
    • 鹿児島
  4. 4


    • 蓮舫
  5. 5


    • Summer Game Fest
  6. 6


  7. 7


  8. 8


    • ロストアビス
  9. 9



    • 打首獄門同好会
    • 歌とダンス
  10. 10






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