The anti-matter world, the counterpart to the material world, ‘exists’ somewhere other than here. 物資と対である反物質の世界がここじゃないどこかに「ある」 #九螺ささら#神様の住所#短歌#tanka#短歌英訳
When you get close to the brush strokes of Sura's pointillist paintings, each and every one of them is an unknown insect. 点描絵のスーラの筆致ちかづくとひとつ、ひとつが未知の昆虫 #九螺ささら#神様の住所#短歌#tanka#短歌英訳
I'm going to see jellyfish at the aquarium Vinyl umbrellas resembling jellyfish in the rain on the day off 水族館にクラゲに会いにゆく休日雨のなかクラゲ似のビニール傘 #九螺ささら#神様の住所#短歌#tanka#短歌英訳