


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/hk2019freehk/s…


2019年香港抗爭回顧 pic.twitter.com/WOK1iTo6Xg

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hk2019freehk1There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/ttK6Wf6gPb

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hk2019freehk1There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/F57jFZBcNk

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/hk2019freehk/s…


2019年香港抗爭回顧-中大圍城 pic.twitter.com/kAGFch0Fx9

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@lvcatablecc#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/zfEEg9nkWQ

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/lvcatablecc/st…


#NEVERFORGET #NEVERFORGIVE 7.21 恐襲時序👇 instagram.com/reel/C9ra_BmBE…

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@lvcatableccThere are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/jQWszcs12t

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/lvcatablecc/st…


有牠講,無人講。 乜鳩都係🐶⚰講晒! instagram.com/p/C9xZSC3M_kq/… pic.twitter.com/C87Z6MaU52

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hkdc_usThere are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/Gx1cSYZi5l

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hkdc_usThere are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/mBQhtN0zZc

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/hkdc_us/status…

Hong Kong Democracy Council@hkdc_us

2 have been sentenced to 5 years each for "riot" re the Nov 18, 2019 police siege of PolyU, though judge acknowledged they didn't organize, promote or commit any violent acts. One is a Nepali construction worker who needed a Canto & English interpreter. bit.ly/3Wwyttz pic.twitter.com/4PBAFtf0y8

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/jannelow/statu…

Janne Low@JanneLow

荔枝角收押所裡面嘅手足,你哋還好嗎? 年廿八,我同你哋一齊提早食團年飯,雖然我哋食野嘅空間、時間唔同,但我個心同你哋一齊㗎! *我見到裡面有手足向我哋揮手!😭 **手足你聽到我把聲嗎? #撐手足撐到底 #和勇不分齊上齊落 #光復香港時代革命 pic.twitter.com/LK6QvHP47S

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@JanneLow1There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/xRKm4qDXux

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@lolota599g11#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/nM733FjdRQ

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/nytimes/status…

The New York Times@nytimes

Why did a mob attack on protesters at a Hong Kong train station escalate? Our visual investigation shows the police walking away from the scene. nyti.ms/2K1Glhf pic.twitter.com/zONuqwcwBF

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/lolota599g1/st…


返信先:@lvcatableccNo one escapes. Hong Kong police & triads syndicate. They will pay back. #FreeHongKong #HKPoliceState x.com/nytimes/status…

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@YingJie227390401There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/Ytd6mSPuIn

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/yingjie2273904…


彥霖小妹妹 天堂一定比人間好, 安息吧❗️🥺 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ 【陳彥霖逝世四年七個月默哀】 日期 : 4月22日 時間 : 8:00pm 請於各地為她默哀1分鐘 雖然死因研訊只裁決 「死因存疑」 香港人仍終會為妳報仇雪恨❗✊ pic.twitter.com/XcdkzsvenC

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@LotsoforHK1There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/mlWQF6HgrV

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/lotsoforhk/sta…

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@thecfhk1#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/NORIHuhob6

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/thecfhk/status…

The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation@thecfhk

On this day in 2019, members of the public were attacked by the triads at the #YuenLong metro station. You can see in the SHOCKING scenes captured on this video clip where police greeting the attackers after the violence. The triads and police were working together against… pic.twitter.com/J1qEoBfs4R

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@Jojo99275148#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/sWAv2DpJVi

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/jojo99275148/s…


2019年7月21日,元朗黑夜恐襲事件 💔 大批黑社會背景的白衣人在元朗西鐵無差別襲擊集會完畢回家的平民。市民報案,警方不接電話,警局關閘讓警察在內觀看西鐵站內閉路電視而不派警員到場救受害者。 其實警方早已知情,包庇及協助白衣人襲擊。警黑勾結,合謀藉此恐嚇打擊反送中運動。 pic.twitter.com/9HGsltYcaQ

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/ngaicheuk/stat…

Saraphines Chan@NgaiCheuk

2019/06/09 ~ 2019/07/21 pic.twitter.com/DaQM7WQT4W

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@NgaiCheuk#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/NnHbzGmekS

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/hkdc_us/status…

Hong Kong Democracy Council@hkdc_us

On the 5th anniversary of the infamous July 21 pro-CCP thug attacks in Yuen Long, HK citizens braved the police state, turning out to stand silently, leave flowers & raise hands in the “5 demands not one less” protest gesture of 2019. bit.ly/3zZKrTy pic.twitter.com/ieaRfT4JmK

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hkdc_us#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/h1I5Dei6JB

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! #毋忘831恐襲 x.com/hkposter777/st…


我還以為倒地之後繼續襲擊是合法的 #法治淪喪 #人治之都 #政治凌駕一切 #私了 #陳真 #太子831 #太子恐襲 pic.twitter.com/NPbBgUK3g0

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@hkposter777There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! #毋忘831恐襲 pic.twitter.com/7dI22Bylzk

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@catherinekyli1#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/NaRImeizPM

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/catherinekyli/…

Catherine Li@catherinekyli

The anger was still fresh The frustration witnessing this from abroad pushed me make this video to let the world know how corrupted and violent Hong Kong police and thugs were at that time it is still horrible to look back Full video: youtu.be/1RXzfT1aMNU?si… pic.twitter.com/jtrB5IG4If

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@Amyau14#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/RdGwKKUqto

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/amyau14/status…


721 pic.twitter.com/FATAhr4f1j

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@lumli_lumlong#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/uW4nGdK7kY

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/lumli_lumlong/…

Lumli Lumlong 淋漓淋浪@lumli_lumlong


MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@Alpha4_3dom#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/jk26E93iqc

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack #721唔見人 There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! x.com/alpha4_3dom/st…

Alpha Foxtrot 🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦@Alpha4_3dom

是你教會我們,和平抗爭是沒有用的 以後一定以牙還牙,私了。👊👊👊 x.com/hklemontea/sta…

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


返信先:@Samhon8521#721YuenLongTerrorAttack #721YuenLongAttack There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. 有一些罪,唯罰能贖 永不忘記,,絕不原諒 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceTerrorists Remember - Karma never loses an address! pic.twitter.com/4ktal2Njaz

MissyJamesBananaMessyCooper (Snorlax 嬋姐 😁🤣😁)@MissyJBananaC


  1. 1



    • 特別警報
    • 山形県酒田市
    • 日向川
    • 数十年に一度
    • 酒田市
    • 身の安全
    • 気象庁HP
    • 気象情報
    • 線状降水帯
    • 土砂災害
    • 東北地方
    • 命の危険
    • レベル5
  2. 2



    • ノヴァク
    • 坂本真綾
    • 津田健次郎
    • 速水奨
    • NHK総合
    • NHK
  3. 3



    • うまトマ
  4. 4



    • 知的飲料
    • バーガーキング
    • 炭酸飲料
    • コカコーラ
    • アメリカ
  5. 5


    • セルフレジ
    • 追加料金
    • コストカット
    • インセンティブ
  6. 6



    • M4.4
    • 津波の心配はありません
    • 震度3
    • 最大震度3
    • 地震の規模
    • 地震情報
    • 震源の深さ
    • 緊急地震速報
    • M3.
  7. 7


    • 遺族年金
    • 子どもがいない
    • 18歳未満
    • 子供いない
    • 専業主婦
    • 産まない
    • 子供がいない
    • 厚生年金
  8. 8



  9. 9


    • 体調急変
    • 心が痛みます
    • 南日本新聞
    • 11歳
    • 悲しい思い
  10. 10



    • コメダのかき氷
    • 熱中症
    • かき氷
    • コメダ
よく使う路線を登録すると遅延情報をお知らせ Yahoo!リアルタイム検索アプリ