


ኣንጭዋ ጸደፈት ደሙ ተዓቀፈት ሃለውለው ግደፍ:: Check carefully here ERITREA POSITION ON THE MAP FOR THE IDIOTS: エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Somalia eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/HOW_TO_PO… x.com/ambassadoresti…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif

1991“ወንበዴ”ናብ “ጋሼ ወንበዴ” ተቐይራ:: መንግስቱ ነፋሪት ጨዉዩ ናይሮቢ ኣትዩ:“ንምንታይ”ተባሂሉ ምስ ተሓተ“ኣጽዋር ካብ ጪና ከምጽአ ስለዚደለኹ’የ”ኢሉ መሊሱ:: ዘገርም ትረኻ መራሒ ኢትዮጵያ:: ሕፍርከ: ንታሪኽ ጅግንነት ኤርትራ ቁልቁልኣፋ! #Eritrea pic.x.com/daygb1w7b9

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


APPLOUD THIS GREAT NEWS: National Camel Race Championships was launched in #Eritrea even though local competitions, as a show of culture and tradition, excited for a long period of time. エリトリア エチオピア #jspocycle youtu.be/otyknHS9lEU?si… x.com/ambassadoresti…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif

TOKYO Metropolitan Assembly Member Mr. Akira Koiso &Tokyo Zoo’s “Africa Fair X”’s organizers paid a curtesy visit to our Embassy. It was an opportunity to exchange information on the rich biodiversity of our continent & its relevance to humanity-エチオピア エリトリア#Eriitrea pic.x.com/vhlwc5wvcx

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Bini! Welcome to the Land of the RIsing Sun. Your message of well wishes to your supporters in Japan has been duly conveyed. You are truly a herald of the rebirth of cycling sport in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #jspocycle saitama-criterium.jp/2024/gallery/?…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi Celebrated Nationwide in #Eritrea in the presence of all leaders of the religious denominations that happily co-exist harmoniously in country for ages エリトリア エチオピア shabait.com/2024/09/16/eid…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Generations of the people of #Eritrea’s blood, sweat & tears shade on the side of #Ethiopia, #Somalia, #SouthSudan, #Sudan struggle is to achieve peace, stability, prosperity & regional cooperation in East Africa- NO MORE & NO LESS エリトリア エチオピア

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


#Egypt, #Eritrea pledge support for Somalia’s unity, Sudan’s stability エリトリア dailynewsegypt.com/2024/09/14/egy… via @DailyNewsEgypt

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation Chairperson T. KAGAWA paid a curtesy visit to exchange ideas & opinions on African leaders visit to Hiroshima during #TICAD9. We also exchanged history & perspectives on prevailing nuclear war dangers facing world peace. #Eritrea エリトリア pic.x.com/opyq4m7tta

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


A music star in history of #Eritrea. He served its cultural revival with passion which kindled the heart & soul of his countrymen and community. Soul brother number one. May Osman Abdurahim RIP. My condolences to his family and all his friends. エリトリア pic.x.com/8l8dws16be

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


#Eritrea is a land of farmers & bestowed with hard working people of wisdom-the real backbone of its economic survival despite innumerable and inhumane coercions in its history. Very cool and simple testimony by a farmer in Barka speaks here for itself : エリトリア x.com/nerihagerey/st…

kibrom Eritrea@NErihagerey

🇪🇷ጋሽ ጻዕዳ!! pic.x.com/mldsgu0mgx

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


港区が東京ミッドタウンで開催中の写真展「世界のスポーツ」にエリトリア大使館も参加しています。エリトリアの英雄ビニヤムのツール・ド・フランスでのステージ初優勝や、新進気鋭の若手アスリート、デジェンのマラソン初優勝をぜひご覧ください! #Eritrea tokyo-midtown.com/jp/event/



Statement delivered by Minister of Land, Water and Environment of #Eritrea H.E. Mr. TESFAY in 10th Special Session of African Ministerial Conference on Environment in Abidjan stressed enhancement of people centered combat efforts & effective international pledges エリトリア

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


A curtesy visit by Ambassador John Yak Jany, Chargé d’Affairs a.i of the Republic of South Sudan in Japan to our Embassy. Our exchange focused on the deep history and future of solidarity and brotherhood between #Eritrea & #SouthSudan for building peace & cooperation エリトリア pic.x.com/7mweflxbr5

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Building peace, stability, prosperity & regional cooperation is not a choice but a must to #Eritrea and #Somalia. A friendship which was built on an odyssey of the Horn of Africa’s long history driven by shared experiences. #FOCAC2024 エリトリア pic.x.com/bwgsd6ldhh

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


President Xi of #China and President Isaias of #Eritrea held a bilateral policy dialogue for cooperation on the sidelines of #FOCAC2024 エリトリア china.org.cn/world/2024-09/…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


President ISAIAS arrived for the FoCAC Summit 2024 in Beijing #Eritrea エリトリア- Google Search google.com/search?q=eritr…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


September 1st: is a day to keep our memories alive and remember the record of history: 63 years of blood, sweat and tears shade by the heroic people of #Eritrea, after World War II, during their armed struggle against all odds and injustice for human freedom & dignity. エリトリア pic.x.com/0vppw2qg6x

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


VIVA ERITREA! እልል በላ ኣዴታታ!!! ትማሊን ሎሚን ዕጥቂ መንእሰይ ኤርትራ : “ካብ ኮለል ክትብል ምውዓል ክሳድ ምሓዝ’ዩ”:: ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም: ኣሰር ኣለማዮ ካሕሳይ ዚሳዓብኩም:: エリトリ #Eritrea x.com/adulis_kiloma/…

Adulis ኣዱሊስ@Adulis_Kiloma

Eritrean musicians come together online to collaborate on a modern rendition of the classic 1998 hit "Kokob Tsebah Adey" pic.x.com/8o2m0oekpn

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


VIVA ERITREA! እልል በላ ኣዴታታ!! : Great to see the Eritrean National Paralympic Committee participating fn the Paralympics at Paris ParaOlympics 2024 for the 1st time with our pioneer athlete Sibhatu iጻዕዳ ይጽናሕካ! ዳር ሽሕ! (ክንድ ሽሕ) エリトリア #Eritrea pic.x.com/plfzgfvmhx

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


As a designated representative of #Eritrea, I participated in the preparatory Ministerial Meeting of Tokyo International Cooperation for African Development (TICAD) of Aug 23 - 24, 2024 for the #TICAD9 which will be held in City of Yokohama in 2025 エリトリア ⁦@shabaitpic.x.com/nd8dmsdou2

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


TICAD閣僚会合 “アフリカの未来を見据え議論を” 上川外相 | NHK #Eritrea エリトリア www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2024…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


ゴールドラッシュ: エリトリアからサウジアラビアへ|Matthew Grainger - Alpha Explo youtube.com/watch?v=t--bix… #TICAD9 #JOGMEC eritreaembassy-japan.org/images/minene_… #eritrea x.com/AmbassadorEsti…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif

Gold Rush: From #Eritrea to Saudi Arabia | Matthew Grainger - Alpha Explo... youtu.be/t--bixXT-Es?si… via @YouTube エリトリア #TICAD9 #JOGMEC eritreaembassy-japan.org/images/minene_… pic.x.com/ba0uc8qbwt



“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” #Eritrea #Africa #Yokohama Walk the Walk エリトリア #TICAD9 XDRIVE jawfp2021pj.xdrive.jp/index.php/s/fL…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


ክብርን ሞገሰን #Eritrea ማእከልነነትን: ስሕበትን: ባህሊን: ልም ዲን: መንብሮ ን: ስልጣኔን: ቃልሲን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ: ቀደም : ትማሊ: ጽባሕ: ጽባሕን ድሕሪ ጽባሕን: VIVA! エリトリア pic.x.com/z8ozcgvidi

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


VIVA ERITREA! እልል በላ ኣዴታታ!! :: ኮቦሮ! ኮቦሮ! Today #Eritrea will be represented in #ParisOlympics2024 by its athletes Aron Kifle & Dawit Seare in the Men’s 5000m Heat 1 & Heat 2 respectfully @shabait エリトリア pic.twitter.com/EoHznMn3FQ

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


#Eritrea BINIAM Ghirmay ኩሉ ዝካኣሎ : ሓየት ኤርትራዊ : ቢኒያም ግርማይ: ታሪኹ ኣመዝጊቡ:: አንቃዕ ሓጎሰኩም ስድራ ስፖርት ኤርትራ @shabait エリトリア It is athletes & artists like him who kindled our youth with strength of spirit & wisdom youtu.be/2AeLyi0dC9I?si…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Diplomatic Missions of East African countries to Japan paid a courtesy call on Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan #Eritrea #TICAD9 エリトリア mofa.go.jp/press/release/…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Photo Gallery: ビニヤム・ギルマイ ツール・ド・フランス2024ポイント賞獲得eritreaembassy-japan.org/photogallery.h… エチオピア エリトリ #Eritrea #ParisOlympics2024

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


VIVA ERITREA! እልል በላ ኣዴታታ!! :: ኮቦሮ! ኮቦሮ! ምስሌነ ስፖርት ኤርትራ BINIAM Ghirmay represented #Eritrea in #ParisOlympics2024 Time Trial Cycling Championship today エチオピア エリトリ pic.twitter.com/7luU3LJNpp

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Henok Mulubrhan of #Eritrea finished in the 4th Stage of (China)Tour of Qinghai Lake 2024 (136.1km race): Stage(5th),GC(5th),Points(1st),and KoM (2nd) エリトリア #Jsports

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


#Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on a visit to Asmara for a continued consultations of mutual cooperation with #Eritrea エリトリア President Isaias Afwerki for regional peace, prosperity and stability shabait.com/2024/07/08/pre…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Oman: His Majesty receives message from President of #Eritrea エリトリア  africa.com/oman-his-majes… via @Africa_com

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


ጻዕዳ ይጽናሕካ! ዳርሽሕ! (ክንድሽሕ) #Eritrea ጢሒሻ leading in Tour de France 2024 エチオピア エリトリア pic.x.com/epfjexbfl6

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


ጻዕዳ ይጽናሕካ! ዳርሽሕ! (ክንድሽሕ) #Eritrea leading in Tour de France 2024 エチオピア エリトリア pic.x.com/zsfdlpppkj

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Biniam Ghirmay in action エリトリア ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንድሽሕ) #Eritrea leading in Tour de France 2024 x.com/LeTour/status/…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Congratulations again to our hero Bini! We are proud of you brother エチオピア エリトリア ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንድሽሕ) #Eritrea shabait.com/2024/07/03/bin…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


The independence struggle of #Eritrea as recorded through the eyes of a Japanese camera #TICAD9 エチオピア エリトリア #Italia #NHK youtube.com/watch?v=aHu6oa…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


Visit to #Eritrea by Parliamentary delegation headed by Hon. Stefania Craxi, President of the Senate Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission of #Italy エチオピア エリトリア A follow-up of Italy-Africa Summit 2024 and the Matteo Plan #G7 x.com/hawelti/status…

Ambassador Estifanos@AmbassadorEstif


  1. 1


    • anan
    • キヨanan
    • 5年ぶり
  2. 2



    • ノースイング
    • スイング判定
    • 塁審吉本
    • スイング
    • MVPが
    • 大事な試合
    • 一塁塁審 吉本
    • 振ってる
    • ふざけない
  3. 3


    • 黒スーツ
  4. 4



    • ねぇねぇねぇ。
    • この2人
  5. 5



    • すとぷり
    • 莉犬
    • るぅと
    • 会員限定
    • ファンクラブ
  6. 6


  7. 7



    • 道長
    • 光る君へ
    • 清少納言
    • 平安時代
    • この世をば
    • 彰子
    • 倫子
    • 菅野莉央
    • 呪術全盛
    • 左大臣家
    • 一つ屋根の下
    • ひとつ屋根の下
  8. 8



    • 赤染衛門
    • 藤式部
    • 倫子
    • 母として
    • バレちゃった
    • 86歳
  9. 9


    • 公任
    • 実資
    • 顕光
    • 中宮彰子
    • よりまし
    • 紫式部
    • 倉本先生
    • 不動明王
    • 源氏物語
    • 同人誌
  10. 10

    Game of SixTONES

    • ゲースト


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