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🇬🇧英名俳優で🏴スコットランド人のブライアン・コックス氏。今度は公開の場で故Refaat Al-Areer氏のあの詩を詠みあげる。 #ifImustdie #RefaatAlareer #BrianCox x.com/swilkinsonbc/s…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via #note #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie note.com/tkatsumi06j/n/…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via @YouTube #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie youtu.be/4W2thxu4wQY?si…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via @LinkedIn #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie linkedin.com/posts/activity…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via @Threads #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie threads.net/@tkatsumi06gl/…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via @facebook #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie facebook.com/624452088/post…
彼の遺志を伝えるに足るかわかりませんが彼の魂を悼み彼の物語を伝え続けます。I don’t know if my translation is good enough but I will never cease to tell HIS TALE. via @instagram #ReadForRefaat #fromJapan #ReadPalestine #Refaat #BrianCox #ifimustdie instagram.com/reel/C1loEUius…