

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Competitive ‘Competitive’ means having a strong desire to be more successful than others. Example: She is very competitive and always strives to win. How do you balance being competitive with being a good sport? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July19

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Kind ‘Kind’ means having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. Example: He is always kind to everyone he meets. What’s the kindest act you’ve experienced? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July18

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Bright ‘Bright’ means giving out or reflecting a lot of light; it also means intelligent and quick-witted. Example: She has a bright smile that lights up the room. What brightens your day the most? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July17

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Quirky 'Quirky' means having unique or unusual characteristics. Example: Her quirky style of dressing sets her apart. What quirky interests or hobbies do you enjoy? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July16

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Relatable ‘Relatable’ means something that can be easily understood and sympathized with. Example: Her story was so relatable that everyone felt a connection to it. What makes a character in a story relatable to you? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July15

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Loyalty ‘Loyalty’ means a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Example: Her loyalty to her friends is undeniable. What does loyalty mean to you in a relationship? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July14

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Humility ‘Humility’ means the state of being humble and having a modest view of oneself. Example: Despite his success, he always showed great humility. What’s an act of humility you’ve witnessed recently? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July13

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Integrity ‘Integrity’ means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Example: His integrity earned him the respect of his colleagues. How do you demonstrate integrity in your daily life? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July12

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Hero ‘Hero’ means someone greatly admired for their brave deeds or noble qualities. Example: He’s a hero for saving those children from the fire. What qualities make someone a hero in your eyes? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July11

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Mannerism 'Mannerism' means a habitual way of speaking or behaving. Example: Her mannerism of tilting her head when thinking is quite charming. Which mannerism of yours do others often comment on? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July10

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Skill ‘Skill’ means the ability to do something well, usually gained through training or experience. Example: His cooking skills impressed all the dinner guests. What’s a new skill you’d like to learn? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July9

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Ethic 'Ethic' refers to well-founded principles of right and wrong that dictate what people should do. Example: She has a strong work ethic and always completes her tasks on time. What ethic do you value the most in others? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July8

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Trust ‘Trust’ means to believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. Example: It’s important to trust your instincts. Do you trust your instincts? #EigoTecho #July7 #WOTD

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Attract To ‘attract’ means drawing someone’s attention or interest towards something. Example: The bright colors of the flowers attract many bees. What qualities attract you to new hobbies? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July6

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Engage To ‘engage’ means to participate or become involved in something. Example: She likes to engage in community service. What activities engage you the most? #EigoTecho #WOTD #JULY5

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Mirror ‘Mirror’ as a verb means to show a reflection of something, to imitate it, or to closely resemble or represent something. Example His actions mirror his thoughts. What aspects of your personality mirror your family’s traits? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July4

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Admire To ‘admire’ means to regard someone or something with respect or warm approval. Example: I admire her dedication to her work. Who do you admire the most and why? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July3

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Reflect ‘Reflect’ means to show an image of something on a surface or to think back on something. Example: His behavior reflects his upbringing. What does your daily routine reflect about your lifestyle? #EigoTecho #WOTD #July2

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Impress To ‘impress’ means to make someone feel admiration or respect. Example: Her kindness and generosity never fail to impress me. What qualities impress you the most in people? #EigoTecho #July1 #WOTD

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Bulky 'Bulky' refers to something that takes up a lot of space and is hard to move. Example: The bulky package was hard to fit in the car. How do you deal with storing bulky items at home? #EigoTecho #June30

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Favorite ‘Favorite’ refers to something that is especially liked or preferred. Example: Her favorite hobby is painting. What’s your favorite way to relax? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June29

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Tech-Savvy ‘Tech-savvy’ refers to someone skilled and knowledgeable about technology. Example: The company is looking for tech-savvy employees to lead their IT department. How do you stay tech-savvy in today’s fast-paced world? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June28

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Traditional ‘Traditional’ means something that is based on customs, beliefs, or practices from the past. Example: They wore traditional clothing for the festival. What’s your favorite traditional dish? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June27

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Popular ‘Popular’ refers to something that is well-liked by many people. Example: The new restaurant is very popular among locals. What’s a popular trend you’ve noticed recently? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June26

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Convenient When something is ‘convenient,’ it is easy to use and saves time or effort. Example: Online shopping is very convenient for busy people. What’s the most convenient app on your phone? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June25

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Portable ‘Portable’ means something that can be easily carried or moved. Example: She loves her portable speaker for outdoor parties. What’s your favorite portable device? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June24

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Borrow To 'borrow' means to take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it. Example: Can I borrow your book for the weekend? What’s something you often borrow from others? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June23

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Consume To ‘consume’ means to use up a resource or to eat or drink something. Example: She needs to consume more vegetables to maintain a healthy diet. What’s one thing you try to consume less of for a healthier lifestyle? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June22

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Word of the Day: Escape To 'escape' means to break free from confinement or control or to avoid something unpleasant. Example: Reading a good book allows me to escape reality for a while. What’s your favorite way to escape from daily stress? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June21

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1

Today’s Word of the Day: Prefer ‘Prefer’ means to like one thing or person better than another. Example: I prefer coffee over tea in the mornings. What do you prefer to do on weekends? #EigoTecho #WOTD #June20

英語手帳 My Personal Planner@MyPersonalPlan1


  1. 1



    • 台風の発生
    • 台風3号
    • 先島諸島
    • 台風情報
    • 海面水温
    • 第3号
    • フィリピンの
  2. 2


    • サブスク解禁
  3. 3



  4. 4



    • このあとすぐ!
    • るぅとくん
    • 18時から
    • るぅと
  5. 5


    • 足立の花火
  6. 6


    • マッサマン
  7. 7



    • カミナリ
    • 土砂降り
    • 大気の状態が不安定
    • 東京23区
  8. 8



    • 出久
    • 今週のヒロアカ
    • いずく
    • ヒロアカ
    • アニメ勢
    • オールマイト
    • デク
  9. 9



    • 加納陸
    • アンソニー・オラスクアガ
    • KO勝利
    • 中谷潤人
  10. 10



    • ムズすぎ


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